Why did the driver laugh in the destructors?

Why did the driver laugh in the destructors?

A driver who keeps his lorry in the lot near Mr. Thomas’s house. The lorry driver’s laughter suggests that the boy’s hostility to the old pre-war world of strict social class, and their affinity for destruction, is shared more broadly by the community of people around them as well.

What does the house symbolize in the destructors?

This is the kind of environment in which the boys live. Old Misery’s stately home stands as a symbol of a bygone age, an age of elegance and nobility. The home is a representation of a vanishing heritage, one unceremoniously swept away by the Second World War.

Why was t particularly interested in Old Misery’s house?

He didn’t want to destroy Old Misery’s house because there was no need for it to be destroyed, and because they would have gotten caught. Blackie was thinking about the consequences of his actions more than anyone else in the gang, so I believe he can be saved from complete corruption.

What characteristics do the gang’s two named exploits pinching free rides and destroying the house have in common?

The most significant thing that they have in common is that neither activity serves a purpose other than creating a name and image for the gang. They pinch rides because they can, not to actually get anywhere. They destroy the house because they can, not because of anything that Old Misery has done.

Why does t want to destroy the house in the destructors?

Graham Greene himself once said, “Destruction, after all, is a form of creation.” Trevor represents class struggle; he also exhibits the nihilism that resulted from the great wars, especially World War II. They destroyed Old Misery’s house because it was there, and because mob mentality took over.

What message is Graham Greene trying to communicate with his short story The destructors?

Destruction and Creation Set in post-WWII England, the short story itself suggests the possibility of creation in the face of destruction, specifically the widespread German bombings of London. Mr. Thomas’ house itself stands between two structures destroyed by the air raids. Further, in destroying Mr.

How is a loss of hope and innocence shown in the destructors?

One of Greene’s strengths in “The Destructors” is to show young people as devoid of hope and promise. Greene challenges the traditional expectations for young people by showing them to be incapable of finding something substantive in the world around them and within themselves.

Who is the protagonist in the destructors?

The protagonist in ‘The Destructors’ is Trevor, a 15-year-old boy. Trevor puts together a plan to destroy a very old house and suddenly becomes the…

What is the theme of the destructors by Graham Greene?

Loyalty. One of the main themes of the story “The Destructors” is loyalty. Before Trevor becomes a member of the Wormsley Common Gang, their undisputed leader is a boy named Blackie, who is very much a “gang” boy.