Why do Germans inspect their stool?
Why do Germans inspect their stool?
It’s called an “examination shelf”. It’s so that you can examine the contents of your excrement before flushing it, to make sure that everything in your digestive tract is “in Ordnung”.
Why are German toilets so weird?
It is not hygienic – the smell is ungodly. The only conceivable explanation is that Germans love to inspect their stool, so the German toilet of necessity features a built-in stool inspection shelf. Further research has revealed that the German toilet is in fact designed to facilitate stool examination.
Do Germans poop on shelves?
The Poop shelf toilet (I did not coin that name) is a relic of Germany and some other regions in Europe that isn’t in circulation so much anymore, but since our house happened to be built a long time ago 2 out of our 3 toilets are of this variety. It works completely differently than a standard toilet.
What is another way to say poop?
What is another word for poop?
excrement | defecation |
fecesUS | ordure |
stool | faecesUK |
manure | scat |
waste | deuce |
What’s the opposite of poop?
What is the opposite of poop?
help | strengthen |
assuage | enliven |
cure | comfort |
calm | make happy |
maintain | preserve |
Does potty mean poop or pee?
Definition of potty (Entry 2 of 2) 1 : a small child’s pot for urination or defecation also : potty-chair. 2 : toilet, bathroom.
How does poop smell like?
Feces normally have an unpleasant smell. Foul-smelling stools have an unusually strong, putrid smell. In many cases, foul-smelling stools occur due to the foods people eat and the bacteria present in their colon.
What is the taste of human urine?
The urine is very sweet, cold, sticky, opaque, like the juice of cane sugar.
What does pee smell like?
Urine does not usually have a strong odor to it. However, occasionally, it will have a pungent smell of ammonia. One explanation for an ammonia odor is high amounts of waste in the urine. But certain foods, dehydration, and infections are also possible.
Is it OK to drink someone elses pee?
Drinking someone else’s urine may expose a person to numerous diseases. Although urine contains antibodies, it also contains bacteria. A study involving 100 children found a range of bacteria, including antibiotic-resistant strains, in their urine.
What does female pee taste like?
Sometimes, it’s salty or a bit sour Not cleaning yourself well after urinating may leave behind trace amounts of urine, too, which can also taste salty. A sour taste from excess sweat isn’t unusual, either, and it’s certainly not a sign of anything bad by itself.
What happens if you drink pee?
When urine passes through the urinary tract, it becomes contaminated with bacteria. Drinking urine, whether your own or someone else’s, introduces bacteria into your system that can cause gastrointestinal problems or other infections.
Does pineapple make your VAG taste sweeter?
According to one study, eating large amounts of pineapple not only makes it taste better, but also sweeter. The study also found that men like the taste of women more than women like the taste of men, regardless of what they eat, which wasn’t exactly news to me.
Why does my pee Sound weird?
Pneumaturia is a word to describe air bubbles that pass in your urine. Pneumaturia alone isn’t a diagnosis, but it can be a symptom of certain health conditions. Common causes for pneumaturia include urinary tract infections (UTIs) and passageways between the colon and the bladder (called fistula) that don’t belong.
What is the white stuff floating in my urine?
If you notice white particles in your urine, it’s likely from genital discharge or a problem in your urinary tract, such as kidney stones or possible infection. If you have significant symptoms that accompany the white particles in your urine, you may want to see your doctor.
Why do guys pee after they come?
Urinating after sex helps cleanse the urethra from harmful bacteria. According to Dweck, the biggest benefit of urinating after sexual intercourse is that it helps reduce the chances of getting a urinary tract infection.
What is double voiding?
Double voiding is a technique that may assist the bladder to empty more effectively when urine is left in the bladder. It involves passing urine more than once each time that you go to the toilet. It works by stimulating the bladder muscle to contract and empty a second time.
How do I make sure my bladder is completely empty?
sitting comfortably on the toilet and leaning slightly forward. resting the hands on the knees or thighs, which optimizes the position of the bladder for voiding. urinating as normal, focusing on emptying the bladder as much as possible. remaining on the toilet, waiting anywhere from 20 to 30 seconds.
Why do I pee 2 streams?
Adhesion. This is the most common cause of a double stream, says Dr. Parekh. It happens when the edges of the urethra get temporarily stuck together.
How much urine should be left in the bladder after voiding?
In those who can void, incomplete bladder emptying is diagnosed by postvoid catheterization or ultrasonography showing an elevated residual urine volume. A volume < 50 mL is normal; < 100 mL is usually acceptable in patients > 65 but abnormal in younger patients.