Why do you think Langston Hughes structured this poem in the way he did?

Why do you think Langston Hughes structured this poem in the way he did?

Answer: He was inspired by what he seen that he wanted to illustrate what he saw the way he saw it.

What message is Langston Hughes giving in this poem and what does it tell us about attitudes towards African Americans?

What message is Langston Hughes giving in this poem? He is saying that I may be black But he is proud to be an American 2. What does it tell us about attitudes towards African Americans? They are just as patriotic as other colored people.

How does Hughes describe the tune being played?

Droning a drowsy syncopated tune, The speaker is listening to a black blues singer play a “drowsy syncopated tune.” In other words, he’s playing a slow, jazzy song—rocking back and forth as he does so in time with the music.

What is the main idea of the Weary Blues?

The central theme of “The Weary Blues” concerns the resilience of the archetypal “common” person who has times of despair or despondency. Music serves as a means of relieving pain or anxiety. The poem transcends the limitations of race, as all people have used music and poetry as a means of getting through bad times

What is the speaker in the Weary Blues attempting to convey in his description of the scene?

The speaker in “The Weary Blues” is attempting to convey a celebration of personal expression in his description of the scene

In which words of the Weary Blues can the singer’s conclusion about life be seen?

The words of the singer in “the weary blues” that show his conclusion about life are. samialasady4411 is waiting for your help

Which topic is revealed through the imagery created in the bolded words?

Answer: The correct answer is: self-expression. Explanation: In this poem, Langston Hughes describes the importance of self-expression by creating imagery where one man plays piano and expressed his feelings through music, which actually comes from a black man’s soul

How does the imagery of inequality support the message of the poem?

How does the imagery support the message of the poem? It shows that some African Americans expressed themselves through personal art. You just studied 7 terms!

Why is imagery important in poetry?

How Is Imagery Used in Poetry? Imagery allows the reader to clearly see, touch, taste, smell, and hear what is happening—and in some cases even empathize with the poet or their subject.4 天前

Which figure of speech does Hughes primarily used in the poem?

The correct answer is simile

What does Langston Hughes say about the American dream?

Hughes describes what the American dream, in its best and purest form, should be, and should mean: it is a land of “love,” whose fundamental principle is that no person should ever be “crushed by one above.” That is, it should be a land free of tyranny and classism, a place of freedom, equality, and opportunity for all …

What is the role of tone in poetry?

The tone of a poem is the attitude you feel in it — the writer’s attitude toward the subject or audience. The tone in a poem of praise is approval. In a satire, you feel irony. In an antiwar poem, you may feel protest or moral indignation. Tone can also mean the general emotional weather of the poem.

How does the change in tone at the end affect the overall impact of the poem?

The change in tone at the end affects the overall impact of the poem by making it more hopeful. The poet ended the poem this way to leave his readers feeling optimistic about the future of America.