Why does Amir not think of Hassan as his friend?

Why does Amir not think of Hassan as his friend?

Amir didn’t call Hassan his friend, throughout the whole book, the main reason for this was that Hassan was a Hazara. The Hazaras are the second class and they must serve to the higher class, like Hassan does to Amir’s family.

Why did Amir not help Hassan?

Amir then admits that he doesn’t help Hassan because he wants to get the kite to bring back to his father, a gesture that he believes will cause his father to finally love and accept him: “Maybe Hassan was the price I had to pay, the lamb I had to slay, to win Baba.”

Why does Amir lie about Hassan?

Why does Amir lie about Hassan’s health when Baba wants to take them to Ghangha Lake? What is the significance of this lie in terms of developing the reader’s understanding of Amir? He lies because he is jealous and wants Baba to himself.

What is Baba’s greatest fear?

Dobbins, but I don’t like it free money.” And that was how Baba ended those humiliating food stamp moments at the cash register and alleviated one of his greatest fears: that an Afghan would see him buying food with charity money. Baba walked out of the welfare office like a man cured of a tumor.

What is the greatest sin according to Baba Why?

The Only Sin And that is theft. Every other sin is a variation of theft. ” Baba goes one to explain that, ”When you kill a man, you steal a life” and that ”When you tell a lie, you steal someone’s right to the truth.

What does America mean to Baba?

Amir claims to use America to “bury my memories,” whereas, for Baba, it is a place “to mourn his.” Amir embraces America and all it has to offer as a means to escape the ghost of Hassan that was haunting his life in Afghanistan.

What does Baba do that shocks Amir?

Baba interferes when a Russian soldier wants payment for letting them pass, he wants a young wife and mother for a short thirty minutes. Baba voices his disapproval. Amir wishes his father didn’t always have to play the hero. “It’s his price for letting us pass,” Karim said.

Does Amir forgive Baba?

While forgiving others can be easy for the characters like Baba and Hassan, forgiveness is portrayed as tough to acquire, especially when it comes to forgiving oneself. Amir only truly forgives himself when he gets the “punishment” he “craved” and thinks he deserved in his long journey to redemption.

Why was Baba hard on Amir?

Rahim Khan then says that he knows Baba was hard on Amir, but part of the reason for this was Baba’s own guilt. He could not love Hassan openly as a son, and Amir represented his privileged half, so when Baba was being hard on Amir he was also being hard on himself.

What was Soraya’s secret?

Soraya’s secret, that she ran away and lived with a man on drugs for a month when she was eighteen years old, is out in the open where she can deal with it. Amir is jealous that she doesn’t have to live with the dysfunction of secrecy. Baba kept his secret to the grave: He was the biological father of Hassan.