Why does Cassius need Brutus on his side?

Why does Cassius need Brutus on his side?

Cassius wants Brutus to join the conspirators for several significant reasons. Cassius is aware that Brutus is an honorable man who is respected and revered by the Roman populace. Having a man of Brutus’s caliber and rank on their side gives Cassius and the conspirators much-needed support from the Roman citizens.

What makes Cassius and Brutus foils?

Cassius to Brutus Though they both conspire to kill Caesar, Cassius is more likely to lean on treachery and tricks and to play on ambition than Brutus, who is guided by his loyalty to the state. Brutus, by contrast, needs to be persuaded and hesitates to join the plot without careful consideration.

Why does Cassius not want Caesar to be king?

Cassius hates Caesar because he is jealous of Caesar’s power and he believes that Caesar is a weak man and, therefore, undeserving of the power and admiration he has been given by the Roman citizens.

How does the crowd react to Caesar refusing the crown?

Casca explains to Brutus and Cassius that, in the arena, Caesar refused the crown every time Antony offered it because each time he refused, the crowd responded uproariously. On the other hand, Antony uses the same incident to reveal that Caesar refused the crown because he was not ambitious or power-hungry.

What does Casca do when he discusses Caesar’s refusal of the Crown?

Casca says, ‘still as he/refused it, the rabblement hooted and clapped their/chapped hands and threw up their sweaty night-caps/and uttered such a deal of stinking breath because/Caesar refused the crown that it had almost choked/Caesar; for he swounded and fell down at it: and/for mine own part, I durst not laugh, for …

How many times did Caesar refuse the crown?

Casca tells him that the crowd was gathered to watch Caesar receive a (symbolic) crown. Antony offered Caesar the crown three times, Caesar refused it all three times, and three times the crowd cheered wildly (presumably because of the humility of their fearless leader).

Why does Antony keep saying that Brutus is an honorable man?

Brutus was “gentle” (counter-intuitive as that might be for an assassin) and “noble” because he had a heart for others, not just for himself. Antony calls Brutus the noblest Roman of all because Brutus was the only one of the conspirators to do what he did in the interest of Rome, rather than for personal gain.

What strange things did Casca say he saw that night?

Casca relates that he saw a man with his hands on fire, and yet his flesh was not burning. He describes meeting a lion near the Capitol: bizarrely, the lion ignored him and walked on.

What problem has developed between Cassius and Brutus How is it resolved?

How is it resolved? Cassius was offended that Brutus did not consider his letters for Lucius. Brutus said Cassius shouldnt have written for him and accuses Cassius of accepting bribes himself. It is resolved after they insult each other and Brutus holds his position and lets Cassius Speak.

What is Brutus argument against taking bribes?

Cassius complains about Brutus disciplining one of Cassius’ subordinates, and Brutus in turn accuses Cassius of taking bribes. Brutus argues that they must wage war honorably, or the killing of Caesar was hypocritical.