Why does the author most likely include this information at the end of the text instead of the beginning?

Why does the author most likely include this information at the end of the text instead of the beginning?

Why does the author most likely include this information at the end of the text instead of at the beginning? because it offers new evidence that is meant to help readers better understand the text. because it poses new questions for readers to think about now that they have read the text.

Which is the author most likely foreshadowing in this passage by focusing on the missing boot?

Sherlock Holmes

Why does the author most likely foreshadow Ellery’s future actions for readers?

How does the use of foreshadowing most likely affect the reader? It makes the reader feel confident that Ellery has narrowed down the suspects who may have committed the crime and will proceed to find one of them guilty.

Which sentence from the excerpt uses foreshadowing?

The sentence “Suddenly he heard a groan–his teeth chattered and his knees smote against the saddle. . .” is an instance of foreshadowing in the excerpt.

Which words in this excerpt from Washington Irving’s The Legend of Sleepy Hollow indicate that it is a work of gothic literature?

The given excerpt uses words that are indicative of the gothic genre which gives the impression of it being supernatural or creepy, eerie, or horrific. These words are “superstition”, “strange sights”, “fearful tree” and “dry branches” which help present a setting of a horror scene.

How does the author highlight Iqbal’s impact?

Answer Expert Verified The author highlights Iqbal’s impact on others in these frames by showing a group of children intently listening to Iqbal. The frames show how Iqbal inspired others who at four years old at the time, was forced to join several other child weavers squatting before looms in the owner’s factory.

What is most likely due Macy’s purpose for using this cause-and-effect relationship?

What is most likely Sue Macy’s purpose for using this cause-and-effect relationship? to show readers the order of events that helped change the role of women. to persuade readers to believe that bicycles were the main force of change for women. to convince readers that it took too long for change to happen.

Why did the velocipede stop gaining popularity in the United States and Europe check all that apply?

While the boneshaker enjoyed a flash of popularity in the United States and Europe, its weight—it could be as heavy as 150 pounds—and other design flaws hastened its demise. Why did the velocipede stop gaining popularity in the United States and Europe? It had design flaws.