Why does the narrator join the 29 pilgrims at the inn?

Why does the narrator join the 29 pilgrims at the inn?

Answer: The narrator in Geoffrey Chaucer’s “THE CANTERBURY TALES” joins twenty-eight pilgrims in order to make the account of the incident look more real.

What does the host propose to the group?

What plan for the group does the host propose? The host decides that everyone will tell a story on the way there and the way back. He will decide which are the best. There is a punishment for anyone who complains about his decision and a reward for the best tale.

What game does the host propose to the pilgrims what is in it for the host?

What game does the host propose to the pilgrims? He proposed that they each tell two stories on the way to and from Canterbury.

What is ironic about the cook?

The irony is that, while the cook made the best “blankmanger” and while “blankmanger” is used to cure those that are ill, the cook had a seemingly incurable wound on his own leg. The narrator does not tell us the cause though he does lament the ironic tragedy of excellence being unable to cure itself.

How does Chaucer feel about the doctor?

He respects his craft, but Chaucer does not like his personality traits. Chaucer thinks that the doctor is greedy and does not read the bible enough. Overall, Chaucer feels neutral about the doctor.

How does Chaucer feel about Miller?

Chaucer clearly paints the miller with many negative characteristics: he steals grain from his customers and overcharges them, he interrupts others to tell his tale which the narrator presents as inappropriate and offensive, and Chaucer’s description in the general prologue paints him as gross and brutish.

What is the moral message of the Pardoner’s Tale?

The moral I find in “The Pardoner’s Tale” that is most applicable today is that even sinners desire forgiveness and wish to lead better lives. This lesson is shown in the ironic contrast between the tale the Pardoner tells and the way he lives his life. His tale condemns greed; his life exemplifies greed.