Why is it important to rinse the dialysis tubing after you fill it?

Why is it important to rinse the dialysis tubing after you fill it?

What was the purpose of rinsing the dialysis bag before placing it in the beaker? To rinse off any starch and glucose that spilled on the dialysis bag so that the water in beaker remains as distilled water at the beginning of the experiment3.

Can water move through dialysis tubing by osmosis?

Discussion. The dialysis tubing is a semipermeable membrane. Water molecules can pass through the membrane. The net flow of solvent molecules through a semipermeable membrane from a pure solvent (in this cause deionized water) to a more concentrated solution is called osmosis.

What would happen if a dialysis bag is filled with distilled water and then placed in a sucrose solution?

A dialysis bag is filled with distilled water and then placed in a sucrose solution. The bag’s initial mass is 20g, and its final mass is 18g. The sucrose solution in the beaker would have been hypertonic to the distilled water in the bag.

Did the water move into or out of the dialysis tubing?

4.11. Molecules small enough to pass through the tubing (often water, salts, and other small molecules) tend to move into or out of the dialysis bag, in the direction of decreasing concentration.

Did any glucose diffuse out of the cell?

Did any glucose diffuse out of the “cell”? Explain how you can tell. Yes. When a sample of the liquid outside the “cell” was mixed with glucose indicator (Benedict Solution) and heated, it changed color to brick-red.

Does glucose move out of the dialysis tubing?

Glucose, starch and iodine (potassium iodide) will readily pass through the membrane of the dialysis tubing.

Can iodine pass through dialysis tubing?

The Dialysis tubing provides a semi-permeable membrane. Only allowing smaller molecules to pass through it. Iodine molecules are small enough to pass freely through the membrane, however starch molecules are complex and too large to pass through the membrane. Thus iodine diffused into the tube with the starch.

What does the water outside the tubing represent?

The water in the boiling tube outside the model gut represents blood in the blood vessels around the intestine.

What does the fluid inside of the dialysis tubing represent?

The dialysis tubing itself represents the cell membrane. When the dialysis tubing is filled with liquid the entire system is supposed to represent a…

What can I use instead of dialysis tubing?

Serpent Skin tubing

What determines whether something will move through the pores in dialysis tubing?

It is important to note that every molecule is different; the concentration, interactions, and hydrophobicity of molecules can influence their ability to diffuse through a dialysis membrane. The temperature, volume, agitation rate and frequency of exchange of the external buffer are also important factors.

Does starch pass through dialysis tubing?

Starch does not pass through the synthetic selectively permeable membrane because starch molecules are too large to fit through the pores of the dialysis tubing. In contrast, glucose, iodine, and water molecules are small enough to pass through the membrane.

What are the two variables that affect the rate of diffusion?

The two variables affecting the rate of diffusion are the concentration gradient and size of the molecule.

What happened to the glucose transport rate?

There was no change in the transport rate because glucose is transported independently.

What increases the rate of facilitated diffusion of glucose?

3. What variable(s) increased the rate of facilitated diffusion of glucose? Your answer: increasing the number of membrane carriers. Correct answer: increasing the concentration of glucose and increasing the number of membrane carriers.

What effect did the addition of glucose have on Na+ transport?

Preparation for Physiology Assessment

Question Answer
Describe the effect of adding glucose carriers to the sodium and potassium transport. There was no change in the transport rate because glucose is transported independently.

What effect do you think increasing the number of protein carriers will have on the glucose?

What effect do you think increasing the number of protein carriers will have on the glucose transport rate? Increasing the number of protein carriers will increase the glucose transport rate.

Why does NaCl have no effect on glucose transport?

Therefore, Na+Cl- is completely independent from the glucose transport, so adding Na+Cl- has not effect on the rate of glucose transport. Increasing the NaCl will increase the osmotic pressure because water needs to diffuse to the higher concentration gradient until equilibrium is reached. 2.

What Happens When carrier proteins are saturated?

When the carrier is saturated (that is, when all solute-binding sites are occupied), the rate of transport is maximal. This rate, referred to as Vmax, is characteristic of the specific carrier and reflects the rate with which the carrier can flip between its two conformational states.

Why did the rate increase when more glucose carriers were present?

The rate of glucose transport increased with an increase in the presence of more glucose carriers because more molecules of glucose are able to be transported across the membrane if there are more transporters present.

Why does increasing pressure increase filtration rate but not concentration?

Answer and Explanation: The increase in pressure increase the filtration rate as there is increase in hydrostatic pressure gradient. The concentration of solutes does not increase as there needs to a pressure gradient for sodium potassium pump to be active and to transport the sodium.

What effect will increasing the pore size?

Your answer: Increasing the pore size increases the filtration rate because the solution will run through the filter membrane faster.

What happened when you increased the amount of ATP?

More ions were transported. What happened to the ions when you increased the amount of ATP dispensed with the same concentration of sodium and potassium on either side of the membrane? Transport of the ions was faster.

Why did increasing the pressure increase the?

why did increasing the pressure increased the filtration rate but not the concentration of solutes? because the pressure allows for more movement through the membrane but equilibrium was not reached.

When diffusion stops we say the solution has reached?

Diffusion stops when the particles are spread out evenly. The particles are still in constant motion, but because there is no concentration gradient, the solution has reached equilibrium. DIRECTIONS: 1.