Why is Romeo considered the protagonist?

Why is Romeo considered the protagonist?

In Act III, scenes iii and iv of Romeo and Juliet, why is Romeo considered the protagonist? In Act III, scenes iii and iv of Romeo and Juliet, Romeo is considered the protagonist because: He faces a major challenge or conflict. [ He is one of the main characters in the play. ]

Is Romeo a protagonist or antagonist?

Juliet is the female protagonist and Romeo is the male protagonist or main characters. The antagonist is a force or collection of forces that oppose the progtagonist. The antagonists are the feuding Montagues and Capulets; Tybalt; the prince and citizens of Verona; fate.

What were Mercutio’s last words in Romeo and Juliet?

This last scene (1:05:34) involved Romeo holding Mercutio as he dies in his arms. Mercutio’s last words were “A plague on both your houses,” which were the famous words he spoke in the original screen play.

How much does Romeo offer for the poison?

How much does Romeo pay for the poison? Romeo pays 40 ducats for the poison. Why does the Apothecary hesitate in selling Romeo the poison? What persuades the Apothecary to go ahead and sell Romeo the poison?

How does Paris feel about marrying Juliet?

In Act IV, scene i, Paris explains to Friar Laurence his rush to marry Juliet. He says it’s because she is grieving too much over her cousin Tybalt’s death. Juliet’s father, Paris says, thinks so much grief is unhealthy, and that a wedding—and a companion to be with—will help her to recover her equilibrium.

Which line of dialogue from Act III Scene I of Romeo and Juliet most foreshadows?

Answer Expert Verified. The correct answer is – Romeo: This day’s black fate on more days doth depend; / This but begins the woe others must end.

Which line of dialogue from Act III Scene I of Romeo and Juliet most foreshadows that Mercutio’s death will lead to other tragic events in the story?

The line of dialogue from Act III, scene I of Romeo and Juliet that most foreshadows that Mercutio’s death will lead to other tragic events in the story is “This day’s black fate on more days doth depend.

What does herald angels mean?

The ‘Herald Angels’ as we find them in Luke Chapter 2, are the angels sent from heaven to declare (Herald) the news of the Christ Child. The word ‘Herald’ can mean a few similar things but in the case of the angels, they were announcing an event and speaking out praises to the glory of God.

What is the oldest Christmas Carol?

Jesus Refulsit Omnium

What is the meaning of Hark the Herald?

The Herald Angels Sing Listen to the Report

What does it mean to certain poor shepherds?

Certain is an adjective, meaning “some,” as in “some poor shepherds.” “The first Noel the angels did say was to certain poor shepherds…” means that the first news of the birth of Christ was delivered to some shepherds in the fields nearby. 4. “

In Act III, scenes iii and iv of Romeo and Juliet, Romeo is considered the protagonist because: He faces a major challenge or conflict. [ He is one of the main characters in the play. ] This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.

Which statement best describes Romeo’s reaction to the news that he will be banished from Verona?

Explanation: In Act III, Scene III, of “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare, the statement that best describes Romeo’s reaction to the news that he will be banished from Verona is he expresses outrage about life without Juliet.

How does this complication contribute to the central conflict of the play when Romeo?

How does this complication contribute to the central conflict of the play? When Romeo is forced to leave the city, he is unable to defeat his enemy. When Romeo is forced to leave the city, his marriage to Juliet is strained. When Romeo is punished, he vows to seek revenge against the prince.

How does this complication contribute to the central conflict of the play Act III Scene I?

How does this complication contribute to the central conflict of the play? When Romeo kills Tybalt, he increases the friction with Juliet’s family. When Romeo kills Tybalt, he impresses friends with his bravery. When Romeo avenges Mercutio’s death, the prince is grateful.

What complication is introduced in the excerpt Tybalt is trying to start a sword fight with Romeo?

Tybalt is trying to start a sword fight with Romeo. Tybalt is encouraging Romeo to seek forgiveness. Romeo is revealing the news of his marriage.

Which is the best paraphrase of Romeo’s lines?

The best paraphrase of Romeo’s lines is: Your love and concern are the sources of my sadness.

Why does Paris’s request create dramatic irony in this scene?

The correct answer is the second one: because Friar Laurence has already married Juliet to Romeo. Misinterpreting Juliet’s mourn, her father decides to accept Paris’ request to marry her, which creates a dramatic irony as Juliet is already married.

Which are examples of dramatic irony from Romeo and Juliet check all that apply?

Check all that apply -Juliet’s mother thinks that Juliet is preparing for her wedding to Paris, but Juliet actually plans to drink the sleeping potion that night. -Juliet thinks about what will happen to her if the sleeping potion does not work.