Why is the plural of wolf wolves?

Why is the plural of wolf wolves?

In Middle English, though, the simple plural was just “add -es”. The intervocalic voicing rule didn’t apply any more, except when people did it because they were using a word like “wolf”/”wolves” as the pattern. And there is a tendency to simplify grammar over time, even if over centuries.

What is sheep plural?

The plural form of the word “sheep” is sheep only. It comes under the few exceptions of the English language which do not change their form when changed to plural from singular. Therefore, option a “sheep” is the right answer. Option b “sheeps”,Option c “sheepes”, and option d “sheepen” are all incorrect.

What do you call a platypus baby?

actual official name for a baby platypus, but a common suggested name is. ‘platypup’. (

What do you call 2 platypus?

The plural of platypus has been long-established in the English speaking world as platypuses. The plural form platypi is accepted by Latinists, scientists and fans of quirky words.

What is the word platypus mean?

A platypus! A platypus is a wacky mammal that mainly lives in the water off Australia. Although a platypus is a mammal, it lays eggs. The Greek root, platypous, means “flat-footed.”

What animal has 7 stomachs?

This is a very simplified version of the digestion in a cow. Ruminants, those animals that “chew their cud” or burp and digest some more typically have 4 parts to their stomachs. There are no animals with 7 parts to their stomachs.

What animal has 3000 teeth?

Great white sharks

What animal has green blood?


What animal has no blood?

Flatworms, nematodes, and cnidarians (jellyfish, sea anemones, and corals) do not have a circulatory system and thus do not have blood. Their body cavity has no lining or fluid within it. They obtain nutrients and oxygen directly from the water that they live in.

What animal has no brain?


What animal has 1000 teeth?

sea Giant armadillos

What animal has 400 teeth?


What animal has no top teeth?

3 – Giraffes and humans have the same amount of teeth – 32. However, giraffes have no upper front teeth, and most of their teeth are actually molars in the back of their mouths.

What animal has the most hearts?


Do cows have 2 Hearts?

Cows have only one heart. Just like humans and other mammals and birds, the heart is internally divided into four chambers.

Do giraffes have 2 Hearts?

Three hearts, to be exact. There is a systemic (main) heart. Two lesser hearts pump blood to the gills where waste is discarded and oxygen is received. They work like the right side of the human heart.

Why do octopuses have 9 brains?

Octopuses have 9 brains because, in addition to the central brain, each of 8 arms has a mini-brain that allows it to act independently. Octopuses have blue blood because they have adapted to cold, low oxygen water by using hemocyanin, a copper rich protein.

Do octopus kill you?

The tiny blue-ringed octopus, one of the world’s most venomous animals, can kill an adult human in minutes. These rings are a warning when the animal is threatened. If a predator doesn’t leave, the octopus then attacks by ejecting venom that causes paralysis and, later, death.

Can octopus recognize humans?

Octopuses (Enteroctopus dofleini) Recognize Individual Humans.