Why is the use of empathy important in a reasoned argument?

Why is the use of empathy important in a reasoned argument?

Answer: using empathy in a reasoned argument is important because it shows that even tho you disagree with someone you still take into consideration their point of view and their feelings towards that view point.

Why is the use of empathy important in a reasoned argument apex?

Because it allows you to defeat your opponent before the argument begins. …

Which activity is an example of empathy in everyday life?

helping an elderly person across the street. Empathy is when you sympathize with somebody and feel their pain and other emotions, and generally want to help them feel better. In day-to-day life, helping someone who cannot do something on their own would be a good example of being empathetic.

How does a strong counterclaim add to your argument?

a) It makes the audience feel that you are arguing for both sides of the issue.

Where should a counterclaim go in the body of an argument?

Writers can place a separate counterclaim paragraph with refutation as the last body paragraph prior to the conclusion paragraph.

What is counterclaim summary?

A counterclaim is the argument (or one of the arguments) opposing your thesis statement. A counterclaim and rebuttal paragraph, if done well, gives you a chance to respond to the reader’s potential arguments before they are done reading.

How do you write a good counter argument?

In your paragraph:

  1. Identify the opposing argument.
  2. Respond to it by discussing the reasons the argument is incomplete, weak, unsound, or illogical.
  3. Provide examples or evidence to show why the opposing argument is unsound, or provide explanations of how the opposing argument is incomplete or illogical.

Do I have to respond to a counterclaim?

You have to answer the counterclaims. They have the same effect as your lawsuit. It is not wise to proceed with litigation without an attorney.

Is an answer a pleading?

An answer is a pleading filed by a defendant which admits or denies the specific allegations set forth in a complaint and constitutes a general appearance by a defendant. A defendant may file a counter-claim to raise a cause of action to defend, reduce or set off the claim of the plaintiff.

Why is it important to have a counterclaim?

Offering a counterclaim and giving enough evidence to disprove that counterclaim strengthens the argument by reassuring the reader that the student is well-informed and able to discern multiple perspectives. …