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Why oceans are so important?

Why oceans are so important?

The Ocean is the heart of the planet. Water covers more than two-thirds of the Earth’s surface. Sea plants, like Posidonia, produce 70% of the oxygen we breathe (1), and the deep waters are home to wildlife and some of the biggest creatures on earth. It provides us with food, jobs, life, entertainment, and sailing!

How can we protect the ocean?

How can you help our ocean?

  1. Conserve Water. Use less water so excess runoff and wastewater will not flow into the ocean.
  2. Reduce Pollutants. Choose nontoxic chemicals and dispose of herbicides, pesticides, and cleaning products properly.
  3. Reduce Waste.
  4. Shop Wisely.
  5. Reduce Vehicle Pollution.
  6. Use Less Energy.
  7. Fish Responsibly.
  8. Practice Safe Boating.

Why does the ocean matter?

Why Ocean matters Our rainwater, drinking water, weather, climate, coastlines, much of our food, and even the oxygen in the air we breathe, are all ultimately provided and regulated by the sea. Throughout history, oceans and seas have been vital conduits for trade and transportation.

How does the ocean affect humans?

The air we breathe: The ocean produces over half of the world’s oxygen and absorbs 50 times more carbon dioxide than our atmosphere. Climate regulation: Covering 70 percent of the Earth’s surface, the ocean transports heat from the equator to the poles, regulating our climate and weather patterns.

How do plastics affect humans?

Plastic affects human health. Toxic chemicals leach out of plastic and are found in the blood and tissue of nearly all of us. Exposure to them is linked to cancers, birth defects, impaired immunity, endocrine disruption and other ailments.

What are the long term effects of plastic in the ocean?

Because plastic is such a persistent material, the ecological, economic and eco-toxicological effects of plastic pollution are all long-term. These include: Physical impact on marine life: entanglement, ingestion, starvation. Chemical impact: the buildup of persistent organic pollutants like PCBs and DDT.

What problems does plastic in the ocean cause?

The most visible and disturbing impacts of marine plastics are the ingestion, suffocation and entanglement of hundreds of marine species. Marine wildlife such as seabirds, whales, fishes and turtles, mistake plastic waste for prey, and most die of starvation as their stomachs are filled with plastic debris.

Who is affected by plastic in the ocean?

It is estimated that up to 13 million metric tons of plastic ends up in the ocean each year—the equivalent of a rubbish or garbage truck load’s worth every minute. Fish, seabirds, sea turtles, and marine mammals can become entangled in or ingest plastic debris, causing suffocation, starvation, and drowning.

Does plastic in the ocean affect climate change?

In our oceans, which provide the largest natural carbon sink for greenhouse gases, plastic leaves a deadly legacy. As our climate changes, the planet gets hotter, the plastic breaks down into more methane and ethylene, increasing the rate of climate change, and so perpetuating the cycle.

How many animals die from plastic in the ocean?

The Problem: Over 1 million marine animals (including mammals, fish, sharks, turtles, and birds) are killed each year due to plastic debris in the ocean (UNESCO Facts & Figures on Marine Pollution).

Where does plastic in the ocean come from?

Much of the plastic in the ocean is in the form of abandoned fishing nets. The first thing that comes to mind for many people when they think of microplastics are the small beads found in some soaps and other personal care products. But microplastics also include bits of what were once larger items.

How can we prevent plastic in the ocean?

So, what can you do about ocean plastic pollution?

  1. Reduce Your Use of Single-Use Plastics.
  2. Recycle Properly.
  3. Participate In (or Organize) a Beach or River Cleanup.
  4. Support Bans.
  5. Avoid Products Containing Microbeads.
  6. Spread the Word.
  7. Support Organizations Addressing Plastic Pollution.

Why are oceans dangerous?

Pollution, over-fishing and over-hunting, mining, the destruction of the oceans’ richest areas, the massive occupation of the coasts and the alteration of their chemical composition and temperature are leaving a mark that is difficult to erase.

Are our oceans dying?

“Global warming, combined with the negative impacts of numerous other human activities, is devastating our ocean, with alarming declines in fish stocks, the death of our reefs, and sea level rise that could displace hundreds of millions of people.”

How many fish will be in the ocean in 2050?

By 2050, plastic in the oceans will outweigh fish, predicts a report from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, in partnership with the World Economic Forum. The report projects the oceans will contain at least 937 million tons of plastic and 895 million tons of fish by 2050.

What would happen if all the fish in the ocean died?

The ocean will no longer be able to perform many of its essential functions, leading to a lower quality of life. People will starve as they lose one of their main food sources. The effects of a world without fish in the sea would be felt by everyone.

How much gold is in the ocean water?

One study found there is only about one gram of gold for every 100 million metric tons of ocean water in the Atlantic and north Pacific. There is also (undissolved) gold in/on the seafloor. The ocean, however, is deep, meaning that gold deposits are a mile or two underwater.