Why was the representation such a difficult issue to resolve?

Why was the representation such a difficult issue to resolve?

Why do you think representation was such a difficult issue to resolve? States with more representatives in congress would have more voting power. Large states wanted to keep their power. Small states did not want large states to dominate the government.

What was the representation controversy?

The “Representation Controversy” consisted of a compromise made by the Constitutional Convention in which states would have equal representation in one house of the legislature and representation based on population in the other house. The small states, Delaware, Connecticut, and Georgia supported this compromise.

Why was representation such a contentious issue in the Constitutional Convention?

One of the major compromises in the Constitutional Convention was between the small states and big states. The small states wanted each state to have the same number of representatives in Congress. The big states wanted representation based on population. This compromise has worked for more than 200 years.

How was the issue of representation solved?

The question was finally resolved by the Connecticut Compromise, which resulted in a system of representation that would be “partly national, partly federal,” involving a combination of the two kinds of representation. …

What led to the drafting of the US Constitution?

Below are some of the important dates that led to the creation of the Constitution: 1775 — The Revolutionary War between the Colonies and Britain begins. 1781 — The last battle of the Revolutionary War takes place; the 13 states set up a federal government under laws called the Articles of Confederation.

Why was a new constitution needed?

The Constitution of the United States established America’s national government and fundamental laws, and guaranteed certain basic rights for its citizens. Under America’s first governing document, the Articles of Confederation, the national government was weak and states operated like independent countries….

What are three reasons for writing the constitution?

The Preamble states that the Constitution was established in order to:

  • form a more perfect Union.
  • establish Justice.
  • ensure domestic tranquility.
  • provide for the common defence [sic]
  • promote the general Welfare.
  • secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and to our Posterity.

What are 6 reasons for writing the constitution?

Terms in this set (6)

  • to form a more perfect union.
  • establish justice.
  • ensure domestic tranquility.
  • provide for the common defense.
  • promote the general welfare.
  • secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.

Is In God We Trust unconstitutional?

Since 1956 “In God We Trust” has been the official motto of the United States. Though opponents argue that the phrase amounts to a governmental endorsement of religion and thus violates the establishment clause of the First Amendment, federal courts have consistently upheld the constitutionality of the national motto.

Which religion is growing fastest?

Islam is the world’s second-largest religion, after Christianity. But this could change if the current demographic trends continue, according to research published by the US-based Pew Research Center.

What is the biggest religion in the USA?

The most popular religion in the U.S. is Christianity, comprising the majority of the population (73.7% of adults in 2016).