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Why is the Dresden bombing controversial?

Why is the Dresden bombing controversial?

The bombing was controversial because Dresden was neither important to German wartime production nor a major industrial center, and before the massive air raid of February 1945 it had not suffered a major Allied attack.

What was the impact of the blitz?

The impact of the Blitz on London was devastating. Sixty per cent of the 2,000,000 made homeless were in London and many historical and famous buildings were damaged including St. Paul’s Cathedral, The City Library in London, The British Museum, the Houses of Parliament, and St. James’s Palace.

Why was Dresden targeted?

1) The city was in Nazi Germany and for this reason was a legitimate target for attack as the Allies were at war with Nazi Germany. Therefore, Dresden was bombed to show the Russians the awesome power of the Allies and to act as a warning to them not to stray from the agreements they had made at the war conferences.

How was the bombing of Dresden justified?

A 1953 United States Air Force report defended the operation as the justified bombing of a strategic target, which they noted was a major rail transport and communication centre, housing 110 factories and 50,000 workers in support of the German war effort.

How many civilians died in Dresden ww2?

35,000 civilians

How many Germans died in ww2?

Civilian deaths, due to the flight and expulsion of Germans, Soviet war crimes and the forced labor of Germans in the Soviet Union are disputed and range from 500,000 to over 2.0 million….Field Army (Feldheer) casualties September 1939 to November 1944.

Campaign Dead Missing
West until May 31, 1944 66,266 3,218

Who shot down the most planes in the Battle of Britain?

In just 42 days 303 Squadron shot down 126 German planes, becoming the most successful Fighter Command unit in the Battle of Britain. Nine of the Squadron’s pilots qualified as ‘aces’ for shooting down 5 or more enemy planes, including Sergeant Josef Frantisek, a Czech flying with the Poles who scored 17 downed planes.

Which squadron shot down the most planes in ww2?

No. 303 Squadron claimed the largest number of aircraft shot down of the 66 Allied fighter squadrons engaged in the Battle of Britain, even though it joined the fray two months after the battle had begun.

Which plane shot down the most planes in ww2?


What was the worst plane in ww2?

According to the Smithsonian Air and Space Magazine, the worst plane of the Second World War was a piloted rocket made of wood, that did not have any landing gear. Yep, it’s already sounding bad. The plane was the Bachem Ba 349. The year was 1944, and the Second World War was going badly for the Nazis.

What was the worst plane ever?

On March 27, 1977, two Boeing 747 passenger jets, operating KLM Flight 4805 and Pan Am Flight 1736, collided on the runway at Los Rodeos Airport (now Tenerife North Airport) on the Spanish island of Tenerife. Resulting in 583 fatalities, this accident is the deadliest in aviation history.

What was the most feared plane in ww1?

But the Allies could produce many more aircraft than the Germans, and they built excellent fighters such as the British Sopwith Camel F-1 — an aircraft credited with more enemy kills than any other World War I counterpart.

Who had the worst tanks in ww2?

Covenanter – Britain’s worst tank At the outbreak of the Second World War the British army had three types of tank: light tanks for reconnaissance, heavily armoured ‘infantry tanks’ to support frontal attacks, and fast ‘cruiser tanks’ to exploit the gaps made in the enemy defences.

What is the best secret weapon of World War 2?

Enter the cavity magnetron, designed at a secret weapons laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, which held the potential to put portable microwave radar into planes.

What weapon killed most soldiers in ww2?

The MG-42 Machine Gun. A close look at Hitler’s Buzz Saw, a fearsome weapon for the German army. American soldiers had a nickname for everything, even the enemy weapons on the battlefield that killed them. GIs christened some of the most terrifying weapons in the German arsenal with some pretty harmless-sounding names.

What killed the most tanks in World War 2?

The most famous German “panzer ace”, Michael Wittmann, is credited by Kurowski as having destroyed 60 tanks and nearly as many anti-tank guns in the course of a few days near Kiev in November 1943.

What is the largest tank ever built?

Panzerkampfwagen VIII Maus

Did the US have a heavy tank in WWII?

Near the end of the war the M26 Pershing tank was deployed as the first operational heavy tank of the US Army. It was designated a heavy tank when it was designed in WWII due to its 90 mm gun, which was at the time the largest caliber gun found on a US tank.

Does America still use tanks?

The United States has produced tanks since their inception in World War One, up until the present day.

How many US tanks were lost in ww2?

From June 6, 1944 through May 15, 1945 for US tank and tank destroyer losses in the European Theater of Operations, United States Army (Western Front): around 7,000 (including 4,295–4,399 M4 tanks, 178 M4 (105mm howitzer), 1,507 M3 Stuart tanks and 909–919 tank destroyers, of which 540 M10 tank destroyers, 217 M18 …

Could Germany have won Kursk?

When studying the battle for Kursk, one of the climactic engagements in the German-Soviet war (1941–1945), many authors have maintained that the Germans would have won the battle had they not delayed their attack from May until early July 1943.

How many tanks does USA have?

Russia with its 12,950 tanks unsurprisingly has the biggest armor holdings. The United States is the number-two tank power with 6,333 vehicles.

Why were American tanks so bad in ww2?

The tanks could not carry on the same kind of offensive warfare that our tanks did. With their heavy armor and complicated mechanism, they were tank destroyers and not tanks. Even though the German tanks were much heavier and thicker than ours, their armor was centralized.