What choice does a translator make that can affect the tone and pacing of a story apex?

What choice does a translator make that can affect the tone and pacing of a story apex?

It is the correct usage of word that affects the tone and pacing of the story in translation. Sometimes, a translator had to make a choice between two words with the same or close meaning words. So, the correct answer is Option B: Word Choice.

What choice does a translator make that can affect the tone and pacing?

What choice does a translator make that can affective tone and pacing of a story? A: how to develop the characters.

Why do most translators avoid referring to Gregor as a cockroach?

Answer: Most translators avoid referring to Gregor as a cockroach because Avoiding the word makes the reader as confused as Gregor is about the change in his physical state.

What structural choice can a translator make?

Answer. Explanation: When translating an original text, the translator has several options for making structural changes that include Character development, conflict resolution and dialogue and among those he should chose dialogue.

What are some words difficult to translate?

Here are ten words that are particularly difficult to translate:

  • Mamihlapinatapei. From Yagan, the indigenous language of the Tierra del Fuego region of South America.
  • Jayus.
  • Prozvonit.
  • Kyoikumama.
  • Tartle.
  • Iktsuarpok.
  • Cafuné
  • Torschlusspanik.

Which element of an original text as a translator wants capture?

The answer is C: the meanings of the author´s words. When translating, it is recommended, above all, that one captures the ideas, sense, and meaning —or, as many have put it, in more poetic terms, capture the spirit of the text— of what is being expressed in the original.

What is the role of translator?

The definition of a translator is a person who helps people who speak different languages to communicate or who takes something (such as a speech or a book) in one language and who puts it into a different language for people to understand.

Which element of an original work can be changed in an adaptation?

Which element of an original work can be changed in adaptation? “setting”. An adaptation in literary or dramatic works is based on translating an original work into a different format (a book into a movie or comic) or a different audience.

What two elements are important for an ideal translation?

Readability and accuracy are two most important elements for an ideal translation.

Why is the metamorphosis a difficult story to translate?

Thus, one of the main reasons why “The Metamorphosis” is a difficult story to translate is because there are many interpretations of the author’s original words which create different and even inaccurate meanings when these are translated to other languages.

What does the clear lens metaphor imply about the role of the translator?

The metaphor implies that the role of the translator is simply to change the words of the original work into a different language. The “clear lens” implies that the translator should not let anything such as cultural or personal biases alter his or her view of the text.

What do translators try to balance in an ideal translation?

Translators have to be as accurate as possible to the original text. Thus, ‘Accuracy’ is one of the things they try to balance. Further, they want the texts to be easily readable in the language they convert them into. Thus, ‘Readability’ is the other thing they try to balance.

What does the bridge metaphor imply about the role of the translator apex?

The translator is making choices about the work that will allow the original author’s thoughts and ideas to translate to a new culture. …

When translating an original work into another language the translator answers com?

When translating an original work into another language, the translator: A. makes the content easily understandable in a new language while also keeping the basic ideas of the original text the same.

What translates original work into another language?

What does paint by numbers metaphor imply about the role of the translator?

What does the paint-by-numbers metaphor imply about the role of the translator? The translator is changing a work’s context and structure to allow people from different cultures to understand it better.

What does a paint by numbers life mean?

adjective. formulaic; showing no original thought or creativity.

What does the bridge metaphor?

As a metaphor, a bridge between people enables the passage of ideas, it connects people who are in different places, it enables help to be connected, it opens up the opportunity for people to be helped, it reduces isolation, it is a more efficient way of getting to another point, it increases the range of options …

What does the paint by number metaphor imply about the role of the translator?

What is literal translation example?

For example, a literal English translation of the German word “Kindergarten” would be “garden of children,” but in English the expression refers to the school year between pre-school and first grade. …

What is a literal meaning example?

Literal language is used to mean exactly what is written. For example: “It was raining a lot, so I rode the bus.” In this example of literal language, the writer means to explain exactly what is written: that he or she chose to ride the bus because of the heavy rain. It was raining cats and dogs, so I rode the bus.

What is free translation example?

A free translation is: one which aims to convey all of the meaning, but is not constrained by the form of the original at all. A couple of examples from my own experience: In Chinese dialogue, the word “said” is used almost exclusively. It is sometimes modified to convey the tone.