What is word formation with example?

What is word formation with example?


examples suffixes
employer, actor -er and -or are used to form nouns to describe people who do things
widen, simplify -en and -ify are used to form verbs
reasonable, unprofitable -able is used to form adjectives
unhappily, naturally -ly is a common suffix used to form adverbs

What you mean by formation?

1 : an act of giving form or shape to something or of taking form : development. 2 : something that is formed new word formations. 3 : the manner in which a thing is formed : structure the peculiar formation of the heart.

How do you use the word formed in a sentence?

Formed in a sentence | formed example sentences

  1. God has so formed us.
  2. His lips formed a pout.
  3. A half formed plan was.
  4. It had formed from the.
  5. And Hugo formed a close.
  6. A plan formed in his mind.
  7. Tears formed in her eyes.
  8. And a new unit was formed.

What word is formed?

: organized in a way characteristic of living matter mitochondria are formed bodies of the cell.

What is precise sentence?

Definition of Precise. exact and correct. Examples of Precise in a sentence. 1. The student tried to come up with the precise answer to the problem but was a few answers off.

What are single precise words?

using one word rather than two or more to represent a number.

What are concise words?

Concise language involves using the most effective words in order to get one’s point across. Concise language entails using a minimal amount of effective words to make one’s point. Writers often include words in their sentences that are unnecessary and could be omitted in order to make the sentence more concise.

How can I be precise in writing?

10 Techniques for More Precise Writing

  1. Use Active Voice.
  2. Avoid Vague Nouns.
  3. Use Words, Not Their Definitions.
  4. Avoid Noun Strings.
  5. Convert Nouns to Verbs.
  6. Reduce Verb Phrases to Simple Verbs.
  7. Replace Complex Words with Simple Ones.
  8. Avoid Expletives.

How do you say tell in a formal way?

Formal synonyms of ‘TELL’

  1. Inform. It has exactly the same meaning and uses as ‘tell’.
  2. Notify. It has exactly the same meaning and uses as ‘tell/inform’.
  3. Brief. Although it has same meaning as ‘tell/inform’, when you use ‘brief’ it suggests that you did it for a long time and in a lot of detail.
  4. Apprise.

How do you say tell me in other words?

other words for tell

  1. confess.
  2. disclose.
  3. explain.
  4. express.
  5. instruct.
  6. mention.
  7. reveal.
  8. state.