How do you use debilitating in a sentence?

How do you use debilitating in a sentence?

(1) She found the heat debilitating. (2) Parkinson’s disease is a debilitating and incurable disease of the nervous system. (3) Huge debts are debilitating their economy. (4) He was hoping for a cure from his debilitating illness.

What does debilitating mean?

: causing serious impairment of strength or ability to function debilitating pain a debilitating fear of public speaking a debilitating illness Thirty years have passed since a vaccine wiped out polio, but some of those who conquered the debilitating disease as children are now experiencing symptoms that seem all too …

What’s another word for debilitating?

Debilitating Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for debilitating?

weakening devitalizing
enervating enfeebling
prostrating sapping
exhausting incapacitating
impairing indisposing

What does debilitated mean in medical terms?

Debilitate: To impair the strength of or to enfeeble.

What does intransigence mean?

: characterized by refusal to compromise or to abandon an often extreme position or attitude : uncompromising intransigent in their opposition an intransigent attitude.

What is it called when someone refuses to learn something?

You might call such a person “ignorant”, just as you might call him “silly”, or “unwise”.

What do you call a stubborn person?

Some common synonyms of stubborn are dogged, mulish, obstinate, and pertinacious.

What do you call something that you want but can’t have?

I like the word ‘unrequited’. It means something (usually something emotional) that you cannot have or cannot force someone to give to you. Often used in the phrase ‘unrequited love’. Other words with similar meaning would be ‘unobtainable’ or ‘unattainable’ or even ‘ungratifiable’ (or simply ‘ungratified’).

How do you say opinionated in a nice way?


  1. adamant.
  2. firm.
  3. hardheaded.
  4. implacable.
  5. incompliant.
  6. inexorable.
  7. inflexible.
  8. intransigent.

How do you describe a strict person?

Strict describes someone who sticks to a particular set of rules. If your math teacher is strict, it means that she expects her rules to be followed to the letter. The adjective strict always has to do with rules. Your strict parents enforced rules and expected you to obey them.

When someone is set in their ways?

If you say that someone is set in their ways, you mean that they have been behaving in the same way for many years and do not want to change. He was too set in his ways to make any real changes.

Is it bad to be set in your ways?

People who are too set in their ways frequently experience problems in their interpersonal relationships at work and home. Even worse, they’re often flummoxed about what’s going. They can sense something is wrong, but they can’t quite figure out why others tune them out or rebuke them.

What does unsentimental mean?

: not marked or governed by feeling, sensibility, or emotional idealism : not sentimental an unsentimental person unsentimental remarks.

Is hardheaded a metaphor?

1. C – Since the phrase “hard-headed” is often used to describe someone who is very stubborn, this expression is an idiom. 2. B – Since the word “penthouse” is not often used to describe a bird’s nest (and the words “like” or “as” are not used), this expression is a metaphor.

What does realistic mean?

English Language Learners Definition of realistic : able to see things as they really are and to deal with them in a practical way. : based on what is real rather than on what is wanted or hoped for : sensible and appropriate. : showing people and things as they are in real life.

What does realistic depiction mean?

The Ordinary Force of ‘Realistic’ Roughly, it can be taken to mean that the depiction is like the real thing of which it is a depiction; more specifically that the depiction is like the real thing with respect to its visual character.

How do you describe realistic?

The definition of realistic is someone who has a good grip on the reality of a situation and understands what can and cannot be done, something that is a practical, achievable idea, or something that resembles the actual truth about life.

What’s another name for realistic?

What is another word for realistic?

practical pragmatic
logical real
unidealistic earthy
hardheaded pragmatical
prudent robust

How do you use the word realistic in a sentence?

Realistic sentence example

  1. For some reason, he experienced a very realistic vision.
  2. You’re supposed to be taking care of me, but that isn’t realistic 100% of the time, is it?
  3. If it is daringly realistic , it is no less audacious in its idealism.
  4. The story of Sinflhi is the true or realistic history of a soldier who.

What does lifelike mean?

: accurately representing or imitating real life a lifelike portrait.