What is the other word for consist?

What is the other word for consist?

Consist Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for consist?

comprise include
contain incorporate
have involve
encompass entail
embody embrace

What is the antonym for consists?

Antonyms of CONSIST clash, jar, conflict, contradict, differ, nullify, disagree, move, negate, gainsay, be active, energize, dispute, stand.

What is the meaning of consists?

to be made up or composed (usually followed by of): This cake consists mainly of sugar, flour, and butter. to be comprised or contained (usually followed by in): Her charm does not consist only in her beauty. Archaic. to exist together or be capable of existing together.

How do you use the word consist?

Almost always used with the preposition “of,” the verb consist means to be made up of, or composed of something. A heated conversation might consist of only two words: “yes” and “no.” If you’re talking about something that is made up of other things, consist is your word. A molecule consists of atoms and their bonds.

Are comprised?

Comprised of is an expression in English that means “composed of” or “constituted by”. While its use is common in writing and speech, it has been regarded by some language professionals as incorrect, who argue that comprise on its own already means “composed of”. …

What is a good sentence for consist?

1 Their lives consist of the humdrum activities of everyday existence. 2 The lungs consist of millions of tiny air sacs. 3 Many villages in Mali consist of mud huts.

Is consist of example?

: to be formed or made up of (specified things or people) Breakfast consisted of cereal, fruit, and orange juice. Coal consists mostly of carbon. His wardrobe consists almost entirely of jeans and T-shirts. The crowd consisted mainly/largely of teenage girls.

What is another name for a simple sentence?

A simple sentence (sometimes called an independent clause) is a sentence that contains a subject and a predicate (a verb).

When to use consist or consists?

Meditation consists in attentive watchfulness. Consist of means to be composed or made up of, while consist in means: To have the thing mentioned as the only or most important part.

What is the noun of simple sentence?

a sentence consisting of one independent clause only. It usually has a subject and verb, and often an object or complement and one or more adjuncts. For example, ‘We played football in the rain all afternoon’ is a simple sentence.

What is a very short sentence called?

A simple sentence is built from the minimum of a subject and a main verb. It can be very short in length but doesn’t have to be. There are several reasons for using simple sentences. For example, a series of short simple sentences used together may be used to create tension, as in this extract: ‘We rounded the corner.

What are the 8 kinds of speech?

There are eight parts of speech in the English language: noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection.

How many types of object are there?

There are three types of objects: the direct object, indirect object, and object of the preposition. A sentence may have one, none, or a combination of the three.

Do all sentences have an object?

A complete sentence must have, at minimum, three things: a subject, verb, and an object. And, if there’s a subject, there’s bound to be a verb because all verbs need a subject. Finally, the object of a sentence is the thing that’s being acted upon by the subject.