What are some common idioms for health?

What are some common idioms for health?

Medical and Health Idioms

  • Alive And Kicking.
  • An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
  • As fit as a fiddle.
  • As pale as a ghost.
  • As pale as death.
  • At death’s door.
  • Back on one’s feet.
  • Be on the Mend.

Is Health is Wealth an idiom?

Good health is above wealth. Here are just a few examples: cure by food is better than cure by medicine (Chinese proverb), a man with a cough can’t conceal himself (African proverb), one day in perfect health is much (Arabic proverb). …

What are some good idioms?

Common English idioms & expressions

Idiom Meaning Usage
It’s a piece of cake It’s easy by itself
It’s raining cats and dogs It’s raining hard by itself
Kill two birds with one stone Get two things done with a single action by itself
Let the cat out of the bag Give away a secret as part of a sentence

How do you say I’m in good health?

Phrase 3 is saying that it is impossible to be more healthy / well. Phrase 4 is an idiom that says you feel very fit and healthy….Ways to say that you are well – Elementary

  1. I’m fine thank you.
  2. I feel great / marvellous / fine.
  3. Couldn’t be better.
  4. Fit as a fiddle.
  5. Very well, thanks.
  6. Okay.
  7. Alright.
  8. Not bad.

What does I’m good mean?

“I’m good,” means I am well behaved.

What can I say instead of OK?

What is another word for okay?

fine acceptable
alright cool
reasonable all right
OK satisfactory
good copacetic

What to say instead of it’s okay?

What is another word for it’s ok?

you’re welcome certainly
it’s all right it’s a pleasure
never mind that’s alright
no mention de nada
think nothing of it you’re welcome, and here’s a dollar

What can I say instead of don’t apologize?

When someone apologizes for something they’ve done, rather than say, “don’t be sorry,” or even “You don’t have to be sorry,” simply say “it’s okay” or “no problem.” By saying the former, you invalidate their feelings and imply that their apology is unwarranted.

How do you say are you okay in different ways?

Always.” Expecting someone to answer to “are you okay?” could be that person saying “yes, I am, ” when honestly they’re not. Opening yourself to them and letting welcome you in as you welcome them. Also, saying “I am here for you” is your way of saying I am here when ever you want to talk. You can open up to me.

How do you say no worries professionally?

No Problem Synonyms

  1. You’re welcome (Formal)
  2. Sure thing (Informal)
  3. No worries (Informal)
  4. Cool (Informal)
  5. It’s all gravy (Informal)
  6. It’s all right (Informal)
  7. Certainly (Formal)
  8. Of course (Formal)

Can I say no worries to my boss?

Saying “no worries” or “no problem” is casual, and best for people you know well. Try not to use this casual type of speech with people you don’t know, and especially not if you’re trying to appear professional on any level.

Can you reply no worries to Sorry?

Explanation: This is very commonly in both regular daily life and in the work place. It can be used after an apology or after someone says thank you. In both cases, it is telling the person that the event was no big deal and it does not require an apology or a thank you.

How do you respond when someone says no worries?

1 Answer. Both “OK” and “Thank you” are good answers to conclude that part of the conversation. Their response of “Don’t worry about it” can also be a conclusion to the conversation.

Is it OK to say no worries?

Like ‘You’re welcome’, ‘No worries’ is a formula that has a social function, used as a polite response to ‘Thank you’. It’s an informal response that originated in Australia and is now becoming popular in Britain, too. No worries is a more casual reply when someone wants to say to you “That’s all right”.

Can I say no worries to thanks?

“When someone responds to your ‘thank you’ with ‘no worries’ or ‘no problem,’ it’s kind of like you were requesting a pardon. But you weren’t asking for forgiveness ― you were just saying ‘thank you’ and showing gratitude,” said Gottsman. “So when someone says ‘no worries,’ it’s almost like, ‘Yeah, OK, I forgive you.

What is best reply for thank you?

10 English Phrases for Responding to “Thank You”

  • You’re welcome.
  • No problem.
  • No worries.
  • Don’t mention it.
  • My pleasure.
  • Anytime.
  • It was the least I could do.
  • Glad to help.

What is reply of thank you?

you’re welcome

How do you respond to thank you in a flirty way?

How to Respond to Thank You (In Any Situation)

  1. You’re welcome.
  2. You’re very welcome.
  3. That’s all right.
  4. No problem.
  5. No worries.
  6. Don’t mention it.
  7. It’s my pleasure.
  8. My pleasure.

What is the answer of my pleasure?

Answer. “My pleasure” is an idiomatic response to “Thank you.” It is similar to “You’re welcome,” but more polite and more emphatic. Use it in formal conversation when someone thanks you for doing a favor, and you want to respond in a way that tells them that you were very happy to help and that you enjoyed it.

Can I say thank you too?

As Richard Urwin says, you can’t say thank you too often! If both you and the other person have mutually done something nice for one another, then “Thank you too” is good. If you alone have done the favour, then “You’re welcome” is better.

Is it bad to say thank you too much?

Instead, you may make him feel uncomfortable or embarrassed. Excessive gratitude can also cause an imbalance of power in the relationship; it can make the thankee question his own generosity. Most people feel that this is a waste of time; instead of being polite, you are actually annoying.

What does thank you you too mean?

In these situations — when a person says “thank you”, but you feel you should equally or even more be thanking them, yes you could say “thank you too”. But the more common response would be to repeat the “thank you” but vocally emphasizing the “you”, to stress that you’re turning the thanks back on them.

How do you say thank you differently?

Ways to Say Thank You

  1. Thanks.
  2. Many thanks.
  3. Thanks a lot.
  4. Thanks a bunch.
  5. Thank you very much.
  6. It’s very kind of you.
  7. I really appreciate it.
  8. Thank you for everything.

How do you express gratitude?

10 Ways to Express Gratitude

  1. Say a kind word. The quickest, simplest and easiest way to demonstrate gratitude is to say thanks to another.
  2. Include others in your plans.
  3. Listen intently.
  4. Bring over lunch.
  5. Pay an impromptu visit.
  6. Email to check in.
  7. Call to say hello.
  8. Ask if there’s anything you can do.