What is some figurative language in Twilight?

What is some figurative language in Twilight?

An example of a simile was found on page 361 paragraph 8 in Twilight. The example is,”For a long while, conversation was impossible, because I was bouncing up and down on the seat like a jack hammer.” This is an example of a simile because Bella is comparing herself to a jack hammer.

What are the 10 figure of speech?

10 Types of Figurative Language

  • Simile. A simile is a figure of speech that compares two separate concepts through the use of a clear connecting word such as “like” or “as.”
  • Metaphor. A metaphor is like a simile, but without connecting words.
  • Implied metaphor.
  • Personification.
  • Hyperbole.
  • Allusion.
  • Idiom.
  • Pun.

What is figures of speech in English?

A figure of speech is a word or phrase that possesses a separate meaning from its literal definition. It can be a metaphor or simile, designed to make a comparison. It can be the repetition of alliteration or the exaggeration of hyperbole to provide a dramatic effect.

What are the different figures of speech?

Types of Figures of Speech

  • Simile.
  • Metaphor.
  • Personification.
  • Paradox.
  • Understatement.
  • Metonymy.
  • Apostrophe.
  • Hyperbole.

What is figures of speech PDF?

A figure of speech is a deviation from the ordinary use of words in order to increase their effectiveness. Basically, it is a figurative language that may consist of a single word or phrase. It may be a simile, a metaphor or personification to convey the meaning other than the literal meaning.

What is hyperbole in figure of speech?

Hyperbole is when you use language to exaggerate what you mean or emphasize a point. It’s often used to make something sound much bigger and better than it actually is or to make something sound much more dramatic. Hyperbole is a figure of speech.

Does a hyperbole use like or as?

A simile can be hyperbole. A simile is an indirect comparison between two things, using the words ‘like’ or ‘as. ‘ Many similes are not hyperbole,…

Can personification be a metaphor?

Fundamentally, personification is a specific type of metaphor. Generally, personification is defined as a literary device that assigns human qualities and attributes to objects or other non-human things.

How do we use personification?

Writers use personification to give human characteristics, such as emotions and behaviors, to non-human things, animals, and ideas. The statement “the story jumped off the page” is a good example of personification.

Is personification a snaking?

D. H. Lawrence uses personification throughout his poem “Snake.” In order use this literary device he gives human qualities to the snake, and speaks about it as if it is a person. The narrator describes the snake as “someone” instead of as an animal.

What is a personification in English?

1 : attribution of personal qualities especially : representation of a thing or abstraction as a person or by the human form. 2 : a divinity or imaginary being representing a thing or abstraction.

What is personification and give 5 examples?

Common Personification Examples Lightning danced across the sky. The wind howled in the night. The car complained as the key was roughly turned in its ignition. Rita heard the last piece of pie calling her name. My alarm clock yells at me to get out of bed every morning.

What is onomatopoeia and give 5 examples?

Common Examples of Onomatopoeia Machine noises—honk, beep, vroom, clang, zap, boing. Animal names—cuckoo, whip-poor-will, whooping crane, chickadee. Impact sounds—boom, crash, whack, thump, bang. Sounds of the voice—shush, giggle, growl, whine, murmur, blurt, whisper, hiss.

How do we write personification?

How to Write a Personification

  1. Think of the feeling you want to express or draw out.
  2. Now think of a situation that would fit that feeling.
  3. Use personification by describing the objects and scene as if they were people showing that feeling.

What are the figure of speech?

Is a metaphor a figure of speech?

A metaphor is a figure of speech that directly compares one thing to another for rhetorical effect.

What is the simile of as heavy as?

As … as similes (e.g. as heavy as lead, as strong as an ox) always begin with an adjective and are easy to understand, even if you don’t know the meaning of the noun which follows. (In the above examples the nouns are lead and ox.)

What is a good simile for heavy?


Heavy as a boarding-house dumpling. —Anonymous 1
Heavy as death. —Matthew Arnold 2
Heavy as a panegyric. —William Congreve 3
Heavy as the hand of death. —Charles Dickens 4
Head as heavy as alderman’s. —Henry Fielding 5

What is Asimile?

A simile is a phrase that uses a comparison to describe. You know you’ve spotted one when you see the words like or as in a comparison.

What is chiasmus in figure of speech?

Chiasmus is a figure of speech in which the grammar of one phrase is inverted in the following phrase, such that two key concepts from the original phrase reappear in the second phrase in inverted order. The sentence “She has all my love; my heart belongs to her,” is an example of chiasmus.

What is parallelism in figure of speech?

Parallelism is a figure of speech in which two or more elements of a sentence (or series of sentences) have the same grammatical structure. These “parallel” elements can be used to intensify the rhythm of language, or to draw a comparison, emphasize, or elaborate on an idea.

What is Yoda speak called?

Yodish, the language of Yoda of Star Wars fame is quite similar to that of our standard English. The words he uses are the same as those we use. They are intended to be used for the same purpose or part of speech.

What is an example of Antanaclasis?

A famous example of antanaclasis is Benjamin Franklin’s statement that: “We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.” In this example, the first time “hang” appears it means “stay” or “stand,” while the second time it refers to being “hanged.”

What is an example of Anadiplosis?

Anadiplosis is a figure of speech in which a word or group of words located at the end of one clause or sentence is repeated at or near the beginning of the following clause or sentence. This line from the novelist Henry James is an example of anadiplosis: “Our doubt is our passion, and our passion is our task.”

What is Asyndeton example?

Asyndeton is a writing style where conjunctions are omitted in a series of words, phrases or clauses. It is used to shorten a sentence and focus on its meaning. For example, Julius Caesar leaving out the word “and” between the sentences “I came. I saw.

What are some symbols in Twilight?

Vampirism is the most obvious motif and symbol in the story. It is not a theme in itself, but is used to flesh out all the themes to varying extent. Given the genres embodied by Twilight, the vampire represents the unleashed id, the release of intellect to a more pure, animal passion.

What is the message of Twilight?

Choices. If love is the most important theme underlying this book, choices is the theme that reveals how the characters deal with the emotions that make up the other themes in twilight. Lust, love and alienation face Bella throughout the year that Twilight takes place.

What person is Twilight written in?

The books are written in first-person narrative, primarily through Bella’s eyes with the epilogue of the third book and a part of the fourth book being from Jacob’s point of view.

Why is Twilight hated?

The reasons why the Twilight movies got so much hate vary: some are not ok with what Meyer did to vampires (giving them sparkly skin, for starters) and werewolves (who turn into wolves at their own will), and others found their lack of plot to be annoying.

Why did Stephanie Meyers choose Forks?

And she revealed another secret: Twilight might have been named Forks instead. “Originally, the first draft of the book was called Forks,” Meyer said during an interview at Forks City Hall. “I liked the idea that this was [Bella’s] big fork in the road, like which direction she was going to go in her life.

Where is the Cullen’s house?

While said to be in Forks, Washington, the home we’re first introduced to as the Cullen residence in the first Twilight movie is a modern, sleek structure in Portland, Oregon, that goes by the name Hoke House.

Is Forks in Twilight a real place?

Forks, the real town in which the fictional “Twilight” universe is set, sits on the northwest corner of the Olympic Peninsula, the traditional land of the Quileute Tribe.

How old was Edward Cullen when he became a vampire?

age 17

Is Edward Cullen a virgin?

So goes Twilight, Stephenie Meyer’s story about 17-year-old Bella Swan falling into reciprocated love with her Biology class partner, the brooding vampire Edward Cullen. Described as devastatingly beautiful, Edward has a sense of chivalry and virtue so strong he has remained a virgin his whole 108 year life.

Who is the oldest Cullen?


Who turned Carlisle into a vampire?

Emmett Cullen

Is Esme Edward’s real mother?

Esme Cullen (born Esme Platt and later Esme Evenson) is Carlisle Cullen’s wife and the adoptive mother of Edward, Emmett and Alice Cullen, as well as Rosalie and Jasper Hale. After finding out she was pregnant, she ran away and gave birth to a son, who subsequently died a few days later.

Why are the Cullens so rich?

Carlisle Cullen earned his wealth through compound interest and several shrewd long-term investments with significant help from Alice, whose precognitive abilities allowed the family to predict changes in the stock market and invest accordingly.

Why did Esme kill herself?

In order to support herself, she became a school teacher, temporarily fulfilling her childhood dream. The child was born in 1921, only to die from lung fever 2 days later. Esme was devastated, and felt that she no longer had any reason to live, as she attempted suicide by jumping off a cliff.

Why did James kill Bella?

After hearing about the use of newborn armies in the South, she tried to kill the lover of James’ killer, so that it would be “mate for a mate” (otherwise known as “an eye for an eye”). Edward Cullen was James’ killer, and so Victoria aimed to kill Bella Swan for retribution.

Why does Rosalie Hate Bella so much?

She does not agree with Bella’a desire to be “changed.” Rosalie is prejudice against Bella because she is human. Rosalie carries this to the extreme when she doesn’t want to help protect Bella against the “tracker” vampires. She just wants Edward to stop seeing Bella and get her out of their lives.

Why was Billy Black in a wheelchair?

Billy is heavyset, with a deeply wrinkled face and dark russet skin with black eyes. He is currently wheelchair-bound as a result of nerve damage due to complications from diabetes.

Does Jacob marry Renesmee?

Although Bella doesn’t really understand why it had to be her child Jacob imprinted on, if anything, it proves that his connection to Bella was meant for something greater. They just didn’t know it yet! Fans know, in the end, Jacob and Renesmee do live happily ever after together, along with Edward and Bella.

Is Jacob’s dad a werewolf?

This only increased the rivalry between Edward and Jacob, as their clans had been enemies for centuries, but one big question arose: why is Jacob a werewolf but his father, Billy, isn’t? In the Twilight universe, the Quileute tribe resides in and around Forks, and many of them are werewolves.

Will Jacob Black ever die?

Jacob will live as long as he keeps phasing and he won’t stop as long as Ren is alive. So technically he CAN live forever but he could also be killed by a vampire, another wolf-shifter or Ren could die by one of those and Jacob would stop phasing and die of old age.

Can Jacob and Renesmee have a baby?

Jacob and Renesmee seemed alike in so many ways, both half-and-half beings, two things at the same time. Jacob was initially in love with Bella, but she chose Edward and gave birth to Renesmee, a half-human, half-vampire hybrid.

Will Renesmee eventually die?

Nahuel states that Renesmee will probably reach complete physical maturity around seven years after her birth, at which point she will stop aging and live to an unknown extent of years.

Why does Renesmee look weird?

Twilight: Why Renesmee’s CGI Was So Bad Renesmee Cullen was obviously not a normal child. There were a lot of things that the Breaking Dawn crew wanted Renesmee to have, so much that it ended up being a case of overabundance of CGI that only made her look like a very strange (and even a bit nightmare inducing) baby.

How did Bella get pregnant?

Bella gets pregnant with Edward’s child during their honey moon on Isle Esme. Her pregnancy is killing her because the child is half human, half vampire, and it’s diet is very much like it’s father’s. It needs blood to survive, not baby food or human food.

Why did Alice leave Jasper?

Months later, when she has a vision of the Volturi coming to end her family after Irina, a member of the Denali coven, mistakes Renesmee to be an immortal child, she leaves the Cullens with Jasper, making them think they have abandoned them when the truth is they are on a secret mission to save them all.

Does Charlie know Bella becomes a vampire?

No, he doesn’t. They keep that information from him in order to protect him from the Volturi. When Bella is changed, Charlie comes to visit and Bella wears brown-coloured eyes contacts which she has to change every couple of hours because the venom in her eyes dissolves the contacts.

Does Charlie think Renesmee is adopted?

The simple answer: Edward and Bella told Charlie they adopted Renesmee to protect him. The longer answer: It’s a Volturi law that humans cannot know about vampires.

Why is Bella the strongest vampire?

Human Bella might have been the weakest person in the beginning series, but because her character is wish-fulfillment personified, she becomes the strongest once she’s turned into a vampire. As a human, Bella was notable because she wasn’t affected by the psychic abilities of other vampires.

Does Bella’s mom know she’s a vampire?

Renée becomes a grandmother during Bella and Edward’s honeymoon, but she does not learn of the existence of her granddaughter, Renesmee, nor does she know that Bella has become a vampire afterward due to their worries about her being unable to handle the changes.