How does Odysseus show that he is clever with language what curse at the end of this adventure foreshadows trouble?

How does Odysseus show that he is clever with language what curse at the end of this adventure foreshadows trouble?

What curse at the end of this adventure foreshadows trouble? Odysseus’s clever use of language made it sound like there was Nohbody who stabbed Polyphemus’s eye, which made the other cyclops think nothing was wrong.

How was Odysseus clever in the Odyssey?

In the Odyssey, Odysseus seems to possess godly cunning and cleverness. The gods are famous for deceiving mortals and for possessing knowledge far beyond that of human beings. The second example of Odysseus’s cleverness is when he tricks Polyphemus in order to escape his cave. …

How was Odysseus clever in Book 9?

Odysseus’s heroic ability (or most important characteristic) is his great intelligence. His intelligence proves the saying “brains [intelligence] over brawn [physical strength].” Book nine offers numerous examples which highlight Odysseus’ intelligence.

What was Odysseus clever plan?

In the tenth year of the war, Odysseus the Cunning, the most trusted advisor and counsellor of king Agamemnon, the leader of the Greeks, devised a plan to deceive the Trojans. He wanted to make them believe that the Greeks had lost their nerves and had returned back to Greece.

What is a weakness of Odysseus?

Determination and cleverness definitely helped Odysseus complete his 10-year journey His weaknesses, vengeance, and pride, slowed him down. He had some struggles of wanting revenge and letting his pride get the best of him. Without Odysseus’ determination or cleverness he could not have gotten home to his family.

What are Circe’s weaknesses?

Circe did have weaknesses, and one was her weakness of falling for sailors. Another is that she did not have enough power to take down a god, she only had apothecary skills.

What are Odysseus strengths and weakness?

Odysseus, the hero of Homer’s epic poems The Odyssey and The Iliad, has many strengths and weaknesses. During his journey home, he shows himself as a courageous, smart, and confident leader. But, he has flaws. His arrogance, pride, quick temper, and stubbornness often lead him to dangerous situations.

How is Odysseus selfish?

Odysseus is impulsive and does not think before he acts. He is very selfish and only wants to see what glory the Cyclops gives him. He expects everyone to bow down to him, let alone know who he is, contrasting Odysseus when he fights the suitors at the end of the story and receives glory from his city.

Why is Odysseus not a hero?

Odysseus is not a hero because, he is foolish, lacks faithfulness and is consumed by his Hubris and selfishness. Although he may be considered a war hero, Odysseus is not a hero in other respects. This is so because he is self-centered which is clear because he doesn’t value other people’s lives.

What was Odysseus tragic flaw?

He has a tragic flaw, which can best be identified as hubris (an overbearing arrogance or misguided pride) as one of several distinguishing traits.

Is Odysseus a hero or villain?

Odysseus is considered an epic hero for his role as King of Ithaca, his participation in the war, and his journey home.

What was Odysseus biggest mistake?

Odysseus’ most devastating error during his journey is to taunt Polyphemus and bring the wrath of Poseidon upon himself. In the end however, Athena appeals to Zeus to overturn Poseidon’s anger and helps Odysseus return to his home.

Is Odysseus a good person?

According to Greek ideals, Odysseus is a good man. Athena, the goddess of wisdom and warfare, favors him and intervenes with her father, Zeus, to bring him home. Athena implores her father, “But my heart breaks for Odysseus, that seasoned veteran cursed by fate so long—” in the first book of The Odyssey.

Is Odysseus a true hero?

Odysseus was a true hero, he showed this through courage and determination and in many other ways. Combining with his extreme strength, bravery, and high level of intelligence shows how he has supernatural abilities. His bravery comes in to play extremely in book 1 because he fought very well in the trojan war.

What qualities make Odysseus a hero?

Odysseus heroic qualities are strength, courage, dignity, a thirst for glory, and self-confidence. He also shrewd and ingenious, all of which make him the ideal hero in both the physical form and the spiritual aspect. Odysseus being faithful and loyal to his wife shows his dignity.

How does Odysseus a hero?

Through his long, adventurous and ultimately successful quest back home, Odysseus’ traits of determination, righteousness, and cleverness exemplify his heroism. First, his determination: He always did whatever it took to get back home and no matter how difficult the circumstances.

Who is the real hero of the Odyssey?


Why is Penelope a hero?

However, his wife Penelope is just as much a hero as he is. She is a hero because she waited for her husband’s return and she took care of the house while he was away. Determination and persistence are two qualities that Odysseus and Penelope share. All Odysseus wants is to return home to his kingdom, wife, and son.

Which God gives Odysseus the most trouble?

Poseidon, the god of the sea, is angry with Odysseus because of Odysseus’s treatment of Poseidon’s son, the cyclops Polyphemus. When Odysseus and his men land on Polyphemus’s island on their journey from Troy to Ithaca, Polyphemus eats a few of Odysseus’s crew and takes the rest of them prisoner.

What is Penelope the goddess of?

The wife of the hero Odysseus* in Greek mythology, Penelope was celebrated for her faithfulness, patience, and feminine virtue. For the 20 years that her husband was away during and after the Trojan Warf, Penelope remained true to him and helped prevent his kingdom from falling into other hands.

What is Penelope a symbol of?

marital fidelity

Is Penelope a good queen?

She is educated in her own right, a brilliant queen and mother and she remains always loyal to Odysseus.

Who did Penelope marry in Greek mythology?

Penelope, in Greek mythology, a daughter of Icarius of Sparta and the nymph Periboea and wife of the hero Odysseus. They had one son, Telemachus.

What does Penelope mean in Greek?

a female given name: from a Greek word meaning “weaver.”

Is Penelope a mortal?

She is more attractive than Penelope in every way, and Penelope is a mortal, who can never compete with the pleasures that gods can offer. If he stays, Calypso will make him a god, too.

Does Odysseus really love Penelope?

Unlike poor Echo and Narcissus above, Odysseus and his wife Penelope do experience a happy ending. The storyline is simple: Odysseus has spent 20 years trying to return to his home in Ithaka after the end of the Trojan War.