What is the noun for the word strong?

What is the noun for the word strong?

Strength is the noun form of strong.

What is the noun of correspond?

correspondence. (uncountable) Friendly discussion. (uncountable) Reciprocal exchange of civilities, especially conversation between persons by means of letters. (countable) An agreement of situations or objects with an expected outcome.

What are the synonyms for strong?

other words for strong

  • big.
  • capable.
  • firm.
  • heavy.
  • secure.
  • solid.
  • tough.
  • vigorous.

What are three synonyms strong?


  • Synonyms for strong. brawny, muscular, rugged, sinewy, stalwart, stout.
  • Words Related to strong. forceful, forcible, mighty, potent, powerful, puissant.
  • Near Antonyms for strong. challenged, disabled, incapacitated, paralyzed. impotent, powerless.
  • Antonyms for strong. delicate, feeble, frail, weak, weakling, wimpy.

What is the strong word?

1 mighty, sturdy, brawny, sinewy, hardy, muscular, stout, stalwart. 4 potent, capable, efficient. 5 valiant, brave. 7 bold, intense.

What is another word for strong woman?

Thankfully, the English language is rich in beautiful and powerful adjectives to describe a strong woman….60 powerful words to describe a strong woman.

accountable educated positive
determined passionate tenacious
devoted patient thoughtful
disciplined persevering tough
driven persistent trustworthy

How do you say someone is strong?

Physically strong – thesaurus

  1. strong. adjective. physically powerful and healthy.
  2. powerful. adjective. physically strong.
  3. athletic. adjective. physically strong, active, and good at sports.
  4. able-bodied. adjective. physically strong and healthy.
  5. virile. adjective.
  6. tough. adjective.
  7. hardy. adjective.
  8. rugged. adjective.

Is it OK to say stay strong?

DON’T SAY: Stay strong. ​When someone passes, it’s perfectly normal to break down in tears, feel weakened by the loss, or even feel absolutely exhausted. When someone tells you to be strong, they mean well, but it just feels like they’re telling you not to process your feelings.

How do you say very strong?

Synonyms for Very strong

  1. very powerful.
  2. overwhelming.
  3. really strong.
  4. highly potent.
  5. really powerful.
  6. very potent.
  7. extremely strong.
  8. pretty strong.

How do you motivate someone to stay strong?

These phrases are ways to tell someone to keep trying:

  1. Hang in there.
  2. Don’t give up.
  3. Keep pushing.
  4. Keep fighting!
  5. Stay strong.
  6. Never give up.
  7. Never say ‘die’.
  8. Come on! You can do it!.

How do you stay strong in tough times?

How to Stay Strong During Tough Times

  1. Accept that some situations are beyond your control.
  2. Allow yourself time to grieve and feel all the feelings.
  3. Never be afraid to ask for help.
  4. Whenever possible, offer help to those in need.
  5. Take joy where life offers it.
  6. Reframe your negative thoughts.

Do hard times make you stronger?

What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger goes the saying, however researchers at NY’s University of Buffalo wanted to scientifically analyze how exactly when faced with adversities, a person comes out mentally tougher, able to cope much better next time.

What do you text someone going through a hard time?

Ideas to consider include:

  • “Thank you for all you do for us, but now is a time to take care of yourself as well.”
  • “I’m proud of you.”
  • “I hate that you’re going through this, but I know that you’ve got this.”
  • “Remember when you were there for me?
  • “Here’s how we’re going to take care of your work while you’re away.”

How do you pass hard times?

Accept the situation

  1. Focus on things within your control.
  2. Accept change by looking to your past.
  3. Prioritize relationships.
  4. Don’t withdraw in tough times.
  5. Try to avoid negative people.
  6. Expand your social network.
  7. Get enough exercise.
  8. Practice a “mind and body” relaxation technique.

What does God say in times of trouble?

Psalm 46:1-3 God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Psalm 9:9-10 The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. Psalm 34:10b Those who seek the Lord lack no good thing. Isaiah 26: 3-4 Those of steadfast mind you keep in peace—because they trust in you.

What to tell someone who is going through a breakup?

Real Women Share the Best and Worst Responses to a Friend Going Through a Breakup

  • “You’re allowed to be sad.”
  • “I promise, you’re so much better off.”
  • “You won’t always feel this way.”
  • “It’s OK to have a bad day.”
  • “Rebounds are great (but only when you’re ready)!”
  • “There are plenty of fish in the sea!”

How do you make someone feel better over text?

Consider these options:

  1. “Whenever you need to call, I’m here.”
  2. “I wish I could be there right now.”
  3. “You’re still in my thoughts.
  4. “Your family is lucky to have you through all this.”
  5. “Maybe I can’t be there, but there’s definitely something I can do.
  6. “Hey, get well soon.

How do you tell someone you’re worried about them?

Let them know you’re there to listen. Tell them what you’re worried about. If you think they have been doing things which are unsafe, talk about what you’ve noticed. Let them know you’re talking about it because you care about them.

How do you express concern for someone?

Express your concerns in a straightforward and non-judgmental way:

  1. Talk about specific behaviors that are worrying you. If you don’t feel comfortable approaching, it may be a good idea to share your concerns with someone closer to them.
  2. Ex: “I am worried about you. You don’t seem like yourself lately.

How do you talk to someone who is struggling?

Five ways you can help someone struggling

  1. Don’t force them to talk.
  2. Keep inviting them.
  3. Send things that remind you of them.
  4. Ask them what they want to do.
  5. Offer hugs.
  6. Where to get help.

How do you start a sad conversation?

Show you care.

  1. “How are you feeling? I’m here to listen to you and support you.”
  2. “I’m concerned about you. I think you may need to talk to someone about depression.
  3. “Let me tell you all the things I love about you.”
  4. “I’d really like to spend more time with you.

What to say to someone who is struggling emotionally?

10 Things to Say to Someone with Depression

  • “Do you want some space?”
  • “I’m here for you”
  • “I love you”
  • “Take as long as you need”
  • “You don’t need to do anything that makes you uncomfortable”
  • “Everything is going to be OK”
  • “I don’t think you’re crazy”
  • “You’re a good person”

What is a good random question to ask someone?

71 Good Questions To Ask Your Best Friends

  1. What embarrasses you the most and/or what’s been your most embarrassing moment?
  2. Who do you look up to the most, and what qualities do you love about that person?
  3. What would be your perfect day?
  4. What’s your biggest fear?
  5. How do you like to be comforted when you’re sad or upset?

How do I cheer up my friend?

How to Cheer Someone Up: 51 Ways to Make a Friend Smile

  1. Ask Them If They Want Help.
  2. Simply Be There for Them.
  3. Take On a Creative Project Together.
  4. Leave Your Friend a Handwritten Note.
  5. Swing the Blues Away.
  6. Go Get Some Ice Cream.
  7. Do Whatever They Want to Do.
  8. Volunteer Together.

How do you cheer someone up?

We could all use some cheering up – here are some ways to brighten your friends’ days!

  1. Send a cute animal photo.
  2. Plan a game night with a group.
  3. Reach out first.
  4. Do an extra chore.
  5. Send a motivational text.
  6. Watch a movie together.
  7. If you live near them, plan a socially distant outing!
  8. Send a letter.