What is a prefix for the word against?

What is a prefix for the word against?

anti- a prefix meaning “against,” “opposite of,” “antiparticle of,” used in the formation of compound words (anticline); used freely in combination with elements of any origin (antibody; antifreeze; antiknock; antilepton).

Which Latin prefix means against?


What prefix means against in medical terminology?

against, opposing. antipsychotic. PREFIX. MEANING. EXAMPLE OF USE IN MEDICAL TERMS.

What are the basic medical terminology?

There are three basic parts to medical terms: a word root (usually the middle of the word and its central meaning), a prefix (comes at the beginning and usually identifies some subdivision or part of the central meaning), and a suffix (comes at the end and modifies the central meaning as to what or who is interacting …

Can a medical term have two prefixes?

When defining a medical term that has both a prefix and a suffix, define the suffix first, the prefix second, and the word root last. Note in the following example how the meaning of the word changes: peri- = prefix for around, cardi = root word for heart, and -itis = suffix for inflammation.

Which type of disease is an illness without a known cause?

An idiopathic disease is any disease with an unknown cause or mechanism of apparent spontaneous origin.

When you see an unfamiliar medical term?

prefix- root – suffix. Word Deconstruction. When you see an unfamiliar medical term, first identify the suffix. For example: cardiologist.

What does Carcin mean?

carcin- (carcino-) combining form denoting cancer or carcinoma.

What is a Otodynia mean?

otodynia –> earache. pain in the ear.

Is Carcin a word root?

Greek (karkinos) and Latin root for cancer; as in carcinogenic.

What does Cephal mean?


What is the medical term for pertaining to the nose and lip?

nasolabial. pertaining to the nose and lip.

Does CEPH mean brain?

Cephalic (cephal-ic): Cephalic means of or relating to the head, or located near the head. Cephalin (cephal-in): Cephalin is a type of cell membrane phospholipid found in body cells, particularly in brain and spinal cord tissue. It is also the main phospholipid in bacteria.

What does phas mean?


Which word part means egg?


What does ather o mean?

Combining form meaning gruellike, soft, pasty materials; atheroma, atheromatous. [G. athērē, gruel, porridge]

What does ather o best fit mean?

ather/o. means plaque or fatty substance.

Which word part means milk?

Check out the new section

galact/o milk
-globulin protein
glomerul/o glomerulus
gloss/o tongue
gluc/o glucose; sugar

Is female a medical term?

Female: The traditional definition of female was “an individual of the sex that bears young” or “that produces ova or eggs”.

What is the root word for female?

The word female comes from the Latin femella, the diminutive form of femina, meaning “woman”; it is not etymologically related to the word male. Female can also be used to refer to gender.

What is a female gender?

A person with XX chromosomes usually has female sex and reproductive organs, and is therefore usually assigned biologically female. A person with XY chromosomes usually has male sex and reproductive organs, and is therefore usually assigned biologically male.

What defines a girl?

noun. a female child, from birth to full growth. a young, immature woman, especially formerly, an unmarried one. a daughter: My wife and I have two girls. a grown woman, especially when referred to familiarly: She’s having the girls over for bridge next week.

What is a female of?

noun. Definition of female (Entry 2 of 2) 1a : a female person : a woman or a girl. b : an individual of the sex that is typically capable of bearing young or producing eggs. 2 : a pistillate plant.

What is female Foeticide in simple words?

Female foeticide is the process of finding out the sex of the foetus and undergoing abortion if it is a girl. Although it is illegal, many people continue to practice it. Besides this, there are some communities which practice female infanticide – the practice of killing the girl child once she is born.

Is woman a word?

Not always, but often. And it’s typically when “female” is used as a noun (i.e., “Females are the worst!”). Here’s a fun exercise: Search the word “females” on Twitter and see what you get.

Why is it called Woman?

The early Old English (OE) wif – from the Proto-Germanic wibam, “woman” – originally denoted a female, and later became the Middle English (ME) wif, wiif, wyf. By 1175 it was starting to be used to mean a married female, with the two meanings coexisting until the late 16th century.

What is the punishment for female Foeticide?

The PNDT Act provides for a maximum punishment of three-year jail term and a penalty of up to Rs 50,000. Despite rulings by the Supreme Court and various high courts to make the existing law a deterrent, the courts have shown their reluctance in sending the offenders to jail.