What does the word independent mean in English?

What does the word independent mean in English?

1 : not dependent: such as. a(1) : not subject to control by others : self-governing. (2) : not affiliated with a larger controlling unit an independent bookstore.

What is the stem of the word independence?

The tradition of July 4, the first U.S. Independence Day which celebrated and honored the events from 1776, began in 1791. An Old English word for independence was “selfdom”, with self + dom “law”. The suffix comes from Latin (-antia and -entia), which depended on the vowel in the stem word.

What is the opposite of an independent person?

mugwump, independent, fencesitter(noun) a neutral or uncommitted person (especially in politics) Antonyms: helpless, mutualist, unfree, leechlike, parasitical, reliant, babelike, bloodsucking, underage, partisan, subordinate, symbiotic, partizan, myrmecophilous, dependent, parasitic, interdependent, mutually beneficial.

Why is being independent important?

It gives you social independence and dexterity Sociability is essential to being human, and being independent provides you with the ability to maneuver in society and mingle with people. This enables friendships, networking, and collaboration.

Why is it important for a woman to be independent?

Independence is a powerful gift that a woman can give to herself. It can lead her to reach greater heights and achieve higher goals. Being an independent woman means you speak your mind – You call people out when they start misbehaving or disrespecting you. You exercise the power of not letting them get away with it.

What are the disadvantages of being independent?

The Downside of Being Independent

  • People around you get the feeling that you don’t need anyone.
  • You end up feeling depressed because no one gives you the support you need.
  • You find it hard to ask someone for help.
  • Find it hard to be in a relationship.
  • You assume that most people are like you.

What are the biggest challenges of being independent?

Cons of Independence.

  • The Ask. It is very hard to ask for help.
  • Disconnection. There’s a danger of getting caught up in your own world, failing to see how your actions influence those around you.
  • Blindness. Being independent takes work and it also comes with luck.
  • Complacency.
  • Loneliness.
  • Financial.
  • Effectiveness.

Why being independent is bad?

What is the downside of too much independence? Researchers have found that people who avoid asking for help may suffer significant social and professional costs. They have a tendency to avoid seeking valuable help from educators or colleagues because involving others makes them feel needy.

Is it good or bad to be independent?

Independence can lead to isolation and lack of emotional growth if we don’t keep it in check. There is nothing wrong with being independent, but by the same token, sharing a life is much more fun. That said, financial independence certainly provides freedom, just in case.

How do I stop being too independent?

Moving from independence to interdependence:

  1. Give yourself permission to need your partner. Learn to turn towards them.
  2. Communicate your feelings. Express to your partner how you feel in the relationship.
  3. Let your partner know what would help you. He/she is likely not a mind reader.

Can you become too independent?

A person may be too independent if he or she: Lives alone without even pets or plants. Always insists on doing everything themselves. Doesn’t go out of the house for days.

Can you be too self-reliant?

Many people are self-reliant to a fault, putting far too much pressure on themselves. They bring self-reliance to a new level because they are unable to rely on anyone. Being self-reliant can serve us well as adolescents and single adults as we strive to achieve goals and a sense of identity.

How do you show you are independent?

6 Ways to Become More Independent, Less Codependent

  1. Get to know yourself. “You can’t be independent if you don’t know who you are,” Lancer said.
  2. Challenge your beliefs and assumptions.
  3. Become assertive.
  4. Start making your own decisions.
  5. Meet your needs.
  6. Learn to soothe yourself.

How can I be independent from everyone?

Here are four ways to be more independent:

  1. Make decisions alone. So often we crowd source decisions that we could easily make on our own.
  2. Get to know yourself better.
  3. Focus on things you admire about yourself.
  4. Learn to give yourself emotional support.

How can a independent woman be happy?

10 Ways To Gain Independence As A Woman

  1. 1 – Spend some time reflecting upon yourself.
  2. 2 – Learn to enjoy alone time.
  3. 3 – Understand your finances.
  4. 4 – Change your vocabulary.
  5. 5 – Understand your own wants, needs and desires.
  6. 6 – Know your strengths and weaknesses and play to them.
  7. 7 – Get to know your personality.

How can I be happy and independent?

How to become emotionally independent:

  1. Practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is the act of paying attention to the present moment.
  2. Identify your “why.”
  3. Rewire your thinking.
  4. Practice self-compassion.
  5. Learn self-validation.
  6. Practice letting go.

How can I satisfy myself emotionally?

These are some of the basic tools that can help you master your emotions:

  1. Know your emotions.
  2. Maintain healthy boundaries.
  3. Cultivate your own well-being on every level.
  4. Create a healthy support system.
  5. Create an emotional or psychological “toolbox.”

How can I live a happy independent life?

How to Become Emotionally Independent

  1. Accept yourself. Stop denying who you are or who you were.
  2. Let go of the past. In my opinion, one of the worst ways to live your life is to be stuck in your past.
  3. Decide for yourself.
  4. Don’t get too attached to people.
  5. Take full responsibility.
  6. Accept judgement and criticism.

Why you should never depend on anyone but yourself?

Our mental properties are focused on us and always put us ahead of others. This is not to say that you cannot put someone else ahead of yourself — but in order to do so, you will have to be focused and do so with strong intent. When things are important then we can easily put someone’s well being ahead of our own.

Is it good to depend on others?

Everyone needs to depend on someone stronger than themselves. Being able to ask for help is often a good thing. Another person, be it a neighbour, friend, partner or professional helper, who is not involved emotionally with a problem, or who has information or expertise you lack, can be very useful.

Why you should not depend on people?

Being emotionally dependent on other people can really make your life miserable. If that person fails to make you happy, you will become disapointed, and frustrated. Happiness from others, is not very reliable.