What is a good alpha numeric keystroke speed?

What is a good alpha numeric keystroke speed?

Speed and Proficiency According to the University of Michigan Health System, individuals who can type 8,917 kph or more are considered excellent, while those keying between 4,041 and 5,304 kph are considered average.

How many words per minute can a good typist type?

How Many Words per Minute Is a Good Score? An average professional typist usually types around 65 to 75 WPM. More advanced positions require 80 to 95 (this is typically the minimum required for dispatch positions and other time-sensitive typing jobs).

What is a good score on a 10 key typing test?

around 98%

How many keystrokes is 40 wpm?

40 wpm = 10,000 kph.

What is the average wpm for a 25 year old?

Average Typing Speed Per Minute of All Levels – Identify Yours Here!

Category Range (WPM)
Adults Very Slow <26
Slow/Beginner 26 – 35
Intermediate/Average 36 – 45
Fast/Advanced 46 – 65

How many wpm is 7000 keystrokes per hour?

So 7,000 keystrokes ~=1167 words. Since there are 60 minutes in an hour, 7000 KPS ~= 20 WPM.

What is 4000 Key depression hourly?

Typing Skill/Speed in Hindi and English with 4000 key depression (35 Word per min).

How fast is 8000 keystrokes hourly?

The same calculation with 5 characters per word gives 22.3 as a result. Based on this, 8,000 key depressions per hour is about 22–27 words per minute if you type in English.

How many keystrokes is 37 wpm?

But, in my opinion, this is a very slow pace. According to Ratatype.com, men type on average about 11000 keystrokes per hour (44 wpm), and women normally type at about 9250 keystrokes per hour (37 wpm).

What is the fastest WPM?

The highest typing speed ever recorded was 216 words per minute (wpm), set by Stella Pajunas in 1946, using an IBM electric typewriter. Currently, the fastest English language typist is Barbara Blackburn, who reached a peak typing speed of 212 wpm during a test in 2005, using a Dvorak simplified keyboard.

Is Typing 90 wpm good?

Yes, at 90 WPM you’d be doing very well—typing more than twice as fast as the average typist (at just 40 WPM). Typing at this speed would also help you meet the requirements of most typing professions from transcribing to programming. (Save that of a Court Reporter, which requires an average typing speed of 225 WPM!)

Is 120 wpm good for a 14 year old?

The average person doesn’t really get much faster with age, 120 wpm is good for all ages. In fact there are people at your age that type 240 WPM and there are people at age 30 that type 220 WPM, so being younger could actually yield you a higher WPM.

Is 120 wpm good for a 13 year old?

Some old people can’t type fast, and some young people can type very fast. It’s about practice and determination to keep going. On a good day, as a 13 year old, probably about 120–130 WPM.

Who is the fastest 13 year old typer?

Abhishek Jain

Who’s the fastest 12 year old typer?

Jeremy, a rising eighth-grader at Scotts Valley Middle School, recently beat the world record at the Los Gatos Track and Field All-Comer meet at Los Gatos High, clocking in at 4 minutes and 36.8 seconds, earning him second in the race and an unofficial world record for 12 year-olds.

What is the fastest anyone has ever typed?

The fastest typing speed ever, 212 words per minute, was achieved by Stella Pajunas-Garnand from Chicago in 1946 in one minute on an IBM electric using the QWERTY key layout.

What is the average wpm for a 14 year old?

45 wpm

How fast is 120 wpm?

Typing 120 WPM is very fast and good. Standard typing speed is 35 to 40 WPM. Above 40 is set to speed average, good, excellent and fast and 120 WPM is very fast. You do not need to more fast is it enough.

Is 120 wpm good for a 12 year old?

120 wpm is an amazing typing speed for a 12-year old. Additionally, the average professional typist typically only types at speeds ranging from 65 to 75 wpm. Other professional positions, such as emergency dispatch services, look for typists with a typing speed of 80 to 95 wpm.

How fast should a 16 year old type?

Thanks to the development of typing programs and how schools implement keyboarding classes, average Typing Speed has now increased to 35 – 45 wpm. For exemplary touch typists, one may need to reach 46 or above wpm. There are some people who can actually type as fast as 90–120 wpm.

Is 200 words per minute good?

Many resources indicate that the average reading speed of most adults is around 200 to 250 words per minute. It is possible to speak more rapidly, but it is recommended that readers for recorded books speak at around this pace because it is comfortable for most listeners.

Is typing 110 wpm good?

A typical typist position will demand a minimum of 30–35 words per minute. Someone who is proficient might approach 60–70 wpm, and someone who goes “above and beyond” will be 90–100 wpm.

What is the average reading wpm for a 16 year old?

The National Assessment of Educational Progress (1972) reported that 17-year-olds (about Grade 12) averaged about 190 words per minute. If students in Grades 12-16 read 190-300 wpm, on the average, how can 300 wpm be suggested as the minimum rate for a student reading a basal in Grade 7?

Is reading 300 wpm fast?

The average reading rate across all these studies turned out to be just 238 wpm – much slower than the popular 300 wpm estimate. However, there was quite a lot of variability between studies, particularly those that used very short passages, where the slowest rate was just over 100 wpm and the fastest nearly 400 wpm.

How fast should 5th graders read?

Fluency Standards Table

Rasinski Words Correct Per Minute Target Rates* Words Per Minute (WPM)
Grade Fall Winter
4 70-120 80-130
5 80-130 90-140
6 90-140 100-150

How many wpm can I read?

The average adult reading speed is between 200 and 300 words per minute (same reading rate you want to achieve by the 6th grade). For success in college you should be able to read 350 to 450 words per minute if you want to have any extra time.

Is it possible to read 20 000 words a minute?

Is It Possible to Read 20,000+ Words Per Minute? Eye-movement expert Keith Rayner, argues that even going beyond 500 words per minute is improbable because the mechanical process of moving your eye, fixing it and processing the visual information can’t go much faster than that.

How fast can Bill Gates read?

approximately 150 pages per hour

Can you read 200 pages in 4 hours?

If you are an average reader, the book of 200 pages should complete in 4-6 hours, depending on how interesting is the subject to you.