What does the name Ryu mean in Japanese?

What does the name Ryu mean in Japanese?


How did Fafnir become a dragon?

In Norse mythology, Fáfnir (/ˈfɑːvnɪʐ/ in Old Norse and [ˈfaupnɪr̥] in Icelandic) or Frænir is a son of the dwarf king Hreidmar and brother of Regin, Ótr, Lyngheiðr, and Lofnheiðr. After being affected by the curse of Andvari’s ring and gold, Fafnir became a dragon and was slain by Sigurd.

Who did Loki accidentally kill?


How does Loki kill an otter?

Loki pursed his lips. He bent down and picked up a fist-sized stone, took aim, and threw it as hard as he could at the otter. The stone hit the animal on the head and killed it outright.

Why did Loki get kicked out of the hall?

The servants of Ægir, Fimafeng and Eldir, did a thorough job of welcoming the guests; Loki was jealous of the praise being heaped upon them and slew Fimafeng. The gods were angry with Loki and drove him out of the hall, before returning to their carousing.

Who made Thor’s hammer?

1) Mjölnir wasn’t created in a regular forge There’s actually a lot more to the story. The hammer was forged by dwarven blacksmiths named Eitri, Brok, and Buri. In the comics, Odin commanded the blacksmiths to construct a deadly and powerful weapon for Asgard.

Does Sigurd kill otter?

Another said: There lies Regin, making his plans, intending to betray the boy who trusts him. Moved by anger he gathers evil thoughts; the forger of trouble wants vengeance for his brother. After hearing this, Sigurd went over to Regin and killed him.

What does the name Fafnir mean?

In Norse Baby Names the meaning of the name Fafnir is: A mythical dragon.

What does Luinor mean?

A submission from Florida, U.S. says the name Luinor means “A coldblooded dragon of pain” and is of Odia origin. A user from Singapore says the name Luinor means “A cold-blooded dragon of pain. A mythic legend said to live in the arctic sheets of the south pole”.

How old is Fafnir?


Is Wizard Fafnir better than Geist Fafnir?

You are correct. Geist Fafnir would win in both anime and real life because, REAL LIFE: It has more stamina steadier and wizard is just plain weak.