What is the word to which a pronoun refers?

What is the word to which a pronoun refers?

A pronoun refers to a noun. An antecedent is the noun to which the pronoun refers. In our example, the pronoun is her. The antecedent is either Isabel or Barbara.

Which is a relative pronoun that introduces an adjective or noun clause?

The most common adjective clauses begin with the relative pronouns who, which and that. Note that who is only used to refer to people and which is only used to refer to things. That can be used to refer to both people and things. The other two relative pronouns used to introduce adjective clauses are whose and whom.

What kind of pronoun introduces an adjective clause?

relative pronouns

Are relative clauses and adjective clauses the same?

A relative clause is the same thing as an adjective clause. An adjective clause is the same things as a relative clause. A relative (=adjective) clause ordinarily contains a relative pronoun or relative adverb referring to an “antecedent,” the word of another clause that is being modified.

What is another name for a relative clause?

A relative clause—also called an adjective or adjectival clause—will meet three requirements. First, it will contain a subject and a verb. Next, it will begin with a relative pronoun (who, whom, whose, that, or which) or a relative adverb (when, where, or why).

What is the example of relative pronoun in sentence?

A relative pronoun is a pronoun that introduces a relative clause. It is called a “relative” pronoun because it “relates” to the word that its relative clause modifies. Here is an example: The person who phoned me last night is my teacher.

What is the example of relative pronoun?

A relative pronoun is a pronoun that heads an adjective clause. The relative pronouns are “that,” “which,” “who,” “whom,” and “whose.” The dog that stole the pie is back.

How do you combine two sentences with relative pronouns?

Combine the following pairs of sentences using a relative pronoun.

  1. The parcel reached me this morning. My brother sent it.
  2. This is the house. Jack built it.
  3. The boy didn’t do his homework. The teacher punished him.
  4. He tells lies.
  5. I know a man.
  6. Bring me the file.
  7. We met a girl.
  8. I saw a soldier.

What is relative adverb in grammar?

The relative adverbs where, when & why can be used to join sentences or clauses. They replace the more formal structure of preposition + which used to introduce a relative clause.

What are the types of relative pronouns?

Relative pronouns are used at the beginning of an adjective clause (a dependent clause that modifies a noun). The three most common relative pronouns are who, which and that. Who has two other forms, the object form whom and the possessive form whose. Who and whom are used mainly for people.

Is therefore a relative pronoun?

Thus it does double work and may be called a conjunctive pronoun. Both are, therefore, called relative pronouns. The noun to which a relative pronoun refers is called its antecedent. In the sentences given above, the nouns girl, man and letter are the antecedents of who, whose and which respectively.

How many types of pronouns are there?

seven types

What is a pronoun easy definition?

A pronoun is a word that is used instead of a noun or noun phrase. Pronouns refer to either a noun that has already been mentioned or to a noun that does not need to be named specifically. Possessive pronouns refer to things or people that belong to someone.

What type of pronoun is herself?
