What complication has arisen in the relationship between Miss Kinnian and Charlie?

What complication has arisen in the relationship between Miss Kinnian and Charlie?

Answer: When Charlie became more intelligent in a rapid way, He was moving up the level of intelligence in a fast pace and this worried Miss Kinnian because she did not want a regression and also the fact that she may not be able to keep up with him since Charlie now functions at a much higher level than she is.

Why do you think Dr Nemur and Dr Strauss argued?

Because of Charlie’s Report, we can infer that Nemur and Strauss were arguing over whether or not to go ahead with the operation. Strauss seems to wants to do the operation because it will make scientific history. He thinks Charlie is a perfect subject because he is so motivated to learn.

What is the relationship between Dr Nemur and Dr Strauss like?

What is the relationship between Dr. Nemur and Dr. Strauss like? They get along well.

Why does Dr Strauss think Charles is a good choice for the experiment?

Why does Dr. Straus think Charlie would be a good subject for the experiment? Because Charlie wants to be smart. The mouse that was involved in the experiment and which Charlie raced.

Why does Dr Nemur disagree at first?

Nemur didn’t want to use Charlie in the experiment because he was afraid the increase in IQ would make him sick. He felt Charlie’s IQ was too low, and noted that Charlie would be the first subject to undergo the operation.

What mental illness does Charlie Gordon have?

Charlie Gordon, 32 years old, demonstrates an IQ of 68 due to untreated phenylketonuria. His uncle has arranged for him to hold a menial job at a bakery so that he will not have to live at the Warren State Home and Training School, a state institution.

What sickness keeps Charlie home from work?

Charlie feels lonely and he does not want other people to feel like he does. He feels like he doesn’t have any friends at the university, but he does at the bakery. What “sickness” keeps Charlie home from work? Depression.

What is the first sign that something is wrong with Algernon?

What is the first sign that something is wrong with Algernon? He bites Charlie.

What is the significance of Charlie’s second outing with Joe and Frank?

What is the significance of Charlie’s second outing with Joe and Frank? They were nice to him and they let someone who was messing with him back off from him!

What is the difference between the two doctors in Charlie’s opinion?

Doctor Strauss is Nemur’s partner, a neurosurgeon who performs the operation on Charlie. In contrast to his academic counterpart, Strauss is much more humane. Skilled in the scientific aspects of the experiment, Strauss also is concerned with the effects his intervention has on Charlie as a person.

What are the first signs of regression that Charlie recognizes in himself?

The first symptoms Charlie begins to notice in himself are “signs of instability and forgetfulness.” Soon after that, he becomes absent minded as well.

What does the final line of this excerpt foreshadow?

Charlie will start losing his ability to write his thoughts. Explanation: What the final line of this excerpt foreshadows is that “Charlie will start losing his ability to write his thoughts”. This is to enable him not to loose his ability to write and communicate his thoughts clearly and simply with his audience.