What is Babul tree called in English?

What is Babul tree called in English?

Vachellia nilotica
Vachellia nilotica (commonly known as gum arabic tree, babul, thorn mimosa, Egyptian acacia or thorny acacia) is a flowering plant tree in the family Fabaceae. It is native to Africa, the Middle East and the Indian subcontinent….

Vachellia nilotica
Clade: Mimosoideae
Genus: Vachellia
Species: V. nilotica
Binomial name

How do you identify a kikar tree?

Description : Kikar is the small thorny tree. It grows to the height of 7 – 12 meter. It has yellow round head flowers which are nectar less. The bark is red -brown to blackish and rough.

What do you mean by kikar?

Filters. A tree native to South Asia, Acacia nilotica subsp. indica. noun.

Where does Kikar grow?

Kikar is found growing naturally all over the Indian subcontinent-from sea level to about 1000m altitude, experiencing not much of rains or waterlogging. Dry arid regions suit pretty well. Kikar is a slow growing species.

How do you identify a Kikar tree?

What fruit is found in Acacia nilotica?

The distinctive seeds and pods, especially when the margins are deeply constricted in the latter, distinguish this species from others in the genus. The subspecies (see below) most often found as exotics are those with moniliform fruits.

How do you identify a babool?

A thorny tree, Babul shoots up to a height to 12 meters and flaunts small yellow round nectar- less flowers. One can spot this gum Arabic tree by its red brown to blackish rough bark, and fern like leaves.

What are the uses of the Babool tree?

Babool tree or Babbula – Acacia nilotica Linn.is an ayurvedic herb used in the treatment of skin diseases, dhat syndrome, bleeding disorders and to treat intestinal worms. Botanical Name-Acacia nilotica Linn. Acacia arabica, Mimosa nilotica

How tall is the Babool tree in India?

Babbula is a small tree growing to a height of up to 8-10 m containing small spikes. This tree is found in the dry regions of whole of India. Karma- Kapha Hara – Balances Kapha Dosha.

How often can you drink Babool gum powder?

Babool gum powder – 3 grams is added to a cup of water, heated for 2 – 3 minutes and consumed once a day. This is useful in relieving arthritis.

What is the dosage of babbul for menstruation?

The decoction prepared from the pods of the plant Babbul is used to treat excessive bleeding during menstruation. The decoction of the pods and bark, in a dosage of 45-50 ml is given to treat bleeding piles and hemorrhoids.