What is the hardest SAT word?

What is the hardest SAT word?

The words were collected from various SAT prep sites like PrepScholar, and the definitions were taken from Merriam Webster.

  • Garrulous. The garrulous hairdresser wouldn’t stop talking.
  • Foment. School shootings fomented the March For Our Lives protest.
  • Inchoate.
  • Maudlin.
  • Exigent.
  • Neophyte.
  • Opine.
  • Paramount.

What is the root of a word?

A root can be any part of a word that carries meaning: the beginning, middle or end. Prefixes, bases, and suffixes are types of roots. The prefix appears at the beginning of a word, the base in the middle and the suffix at the end. Most English root words came from the Greek and Latin languages.

What are the most common SAT words?

100 Most Common SAT Word List

  • Winsome – attractive appearance or character.
  • Wry – using dry or mocking humor.
  • Xenophobe – fear or dislike for people of different countries.
  • Yeoman – a man holding and cultivating a field.
  • Yen – Japanese monetary unit.
  • Yowl – loud waining cry.
  • Zenith – peak.
  • Zephyr – soft gentle breeze.

Can words have 2 roots?

Words can have more than one prefix, root, or suffix. Words can be made up of two or more roots (geo/logy). b. Some words have two prefixes (in/sub/ordination).

What is the most complex English word?

Why ‘Run’ Is The Most Complex Word in the English Language. English can be hard for other language speakers to learn. To use just one example, there are at least eight different ways of expressing events in the future, and conditional tenses are another matter entirely.

What are common word roots?

Common Word Roots

Root Meaning Example
astro star astronaut
bio life biology
cardio heart cardiac
cede go precede

Is SAT vocab important?

A broad vocabulary is so important for understanding SAT reading, writing, and essay passages, as well as communicating clearly and precisely in your essay writing. So keep studying your vocabulary, making sure to study words in simple sentences or phrases so that you remember their proper usage.

What is the rule for word roots suffixes and prefixes?

A word cannot end with a combining form (word root + vowel). A suffix is added at the end of the word. A combining vowel will be used if the suffix begins with a consonant. A combining vowel is generally not used if the suffix begins with a vowel (there are some exceptions to this rule).

Abandon – give up completely

  • Abate – become less intense or widespread
  • Abet – encourage or assist
  • Accede – accent or agree to a demand
  • Berate – scold or criticize
  • Bovine – of or relating to cattle
  • Braggart – a person who boasts about achievements
  • Burnish – polish by rubbing
  • Cache – a collection of similar items stored in a secret place
  • What are all the SAT words?

    Abate – (verb) to reduce in amount,degree,intensity,etc.; to lessen; to diminish

  • Ambivalence – (noun) the state of being uncertain or stuck between two or more options
  • Brevity – (noun) shortness of time or duration; briefness; the quality of expressing much in few words
  • Decree – (verb) to command,ordain,or decide with authority
  • What are the vocabulary words for sat?

    -sat- comes from Latin, where it has the meaning “full, enough, sufficient.” This meaning is found in such words as: dissatisfaction, dissatisfy, insatiable, sate, satiated, satire, satisfaction, satisfy, saturate, unsatisfied.