How do you evaluate a plot?

How do you evaluate a plot?

Identify the following five elements in your story:

  1. Plot: Describe the plot in a few lines.
  2. Character: Identify the main characters.
  3. Goal and Conflict: What is the main character’s goal and what is the conflict that hinders that goal?
  4. Theme: Write down the theme.
  5. Setting: Where and when does, the story take place?

How do you describe the plot of a story?

Plot is the way an author creates and organizes a chain of events in a narrative. In short, plot is the foundation of a story. Some describe it as the “what” of a text (whereas the characters are the “who” and the theme is the “why”). This is the basic plot definition.

How do you explain the plot of a story to a child?

Lesson Summary Plot is the series of events that make up a story. Plots have five main parts that always take place in the same order: beginning (where exposition, or setting and characters are introduced), rising action, climax (the most exciting part), falling action, and resolution.

What is the most important part of plot?

The climax is considered the most important element of the plot. It contains the highest point of tension, drama, and change. The climax is when the conflict is finally faced and overcome.

What are the three parts of a plot?

The three-act structure is a model used in narrative fiction that divides a story into three parts (acts), often called the Setup, the Confrontation, and the Resolution.

What are some inspirational stories?

The 10 Most Inspirational Short Stories I’ve Heard

  • The 10 Best Inspirational Short Stories.
  • The Elephant Rope (Belief)
  • Thinking Out of the Box (Creative Thinking)
  • The Group of Frogs (Encouragement)
  • A Pound of Butter (Honesty)
  • The Obstacle In Our Path (Opportunity)
  • The Butterfly (Struggles)
  • Control Your Temper (Anger)