What is parallel body length?

What is parallel body length?

The length of the ship along which the sides of the ship remain straight and parallel to each other, for a particular draft, is called the Parallel Body Length for that draft. The Parallel Body Length varies with the draft of the ship due to the ships form.

What is parallel mid body length?

Parallel Middle Body. The length over which the midship section remains unchanged is called the parallel middle body. Trim. The difference between the drafts forward and aft is called trim. When the draft forward is greater than the draft aft, the ship is said to be trimmed by the head.

What is BM in ship stability?

GM is a measure of the ship’s initial stability. BM – Metacentric Radius: The distance between the Center of Buoyancy and the Metacenter. It is actually the radius of the circle for the movements of “B” at small angles of heel.

What is LCG in ship stability?

The longitudinal position of the CG with respect to any reference point on the ship is called the longitudinal centre of gravity (LCG). Usually, the reference point for locating the LCG is either of the forward or aft perpendiculars.

What is a poop deck used for?

The poop deck is basically used by the vessel’s commanding superiors to observe the work and navigational proceedings. Technically, it is the deck that forms the roof of a cabin built in the aft part of the superstructure of the ship.

What is LBP in ship?

Length between perpendiculars (often abbreviated as p/p, p.p., pp, LPP, LBP or Length BPP) is the length of a ship along the summer load line from the forward surface of the stem, or main bow perpendicular member, to the after surface of the sternpost, or main stern perpendicular member.

What is camber of a ship?

The camber is a measure of lateral main deck curvature in naval architecture. These vessels were built with the decks curving downwards at the sides in order to allow water that washed onto the deck to spill off. Camber also adds to a ship’s longitudinal strength.

What is GZ in stability?

GZ is known as the righting arm. The plot of the righting arm GZ calculated as the function of the heel angle, at constant displacement and vertical centre of gravity KG values, is used to measure the ship stability at large angles of heels. It is called the curve of statical stability.

What is km of a vessel?

KM is the distance from the keel to the metacentre. In a boat, the equivalent of the spring stiffness is the distance called “GM” or “metacentric height”, being the distance between two points: “G” the centre of gravity of the boat and “M”, which is a point called the metacentre.

What is GZ in ship stability?

The vessel’s centre of gravity (G) has a distinct effect on the righting lever (GZ) and consequently the ability of a vessel to return to the upright position. The lower the centre of gravity (G), the bigger is the righting lever (GZ).

What is Metacentre and metacentric height?

The Metacentre may be defined as a point about which a floating body starts oscillating, when given a small angular displacement. It is denoted by M. The metacentric height is the distance between the centre of gravity (G) of the floating body and the metacentre (M).

How to draw a line parallel to AB?

Draw a line to touch the line AB. This line is parallel to line B5. Draw other parallels in the same way through points 1, 2 and 3 on AC. AB is divided into 5 equal parts at the points where the parallel lines touch AB. Drawing 2 (Figure 5) – Draw line DE 147 mm long.

What do you mean by parallel mid body length?

Related Terms. PMBL. Parallel Mid-Body Length – describes the middle side area of a tanker’s or other vessel’s exterior hull which is flat and usually vertical. This is usually the area of the hull that is in contact with the pier when a vessel is docked.

When to use chain and parallel dimensioning in drawing?

The dimension lines are parallel to each other and equally spaced. Combined Dimensioning. In this method, both the chain and parallel dimensions are used in the same drawing. Progressive Dimensioning. This method is adopted when dimension has to be established from a particular datum.

How are dimensions indicated in the same drawing?

The method of indicating all the dimensions from the same feature is called parallel dimensioning. The dimension lines are parallel to each other and equally spaced. In this method, both the chain and parallel dimensions are used in the same drawing. This method is adopted when dimension has to be established from a particular datum.