What was the Clansman radio used for?

What was the Clansman radio used for?

Clansman is the name of a combat net radio system (CNR) used by the British Army from 1976 to 2010. Clansman was developed by the Signals Research and Development Establishment (SRDE) in the 1960s, to satisfy a General Staff Requirement (GSR) laid down in 1965.

How much does a Clansman radio weigh?

It was capable of working up to 30 Kms with a 2.4m whip antenna and 320 Kms with a droopy dipole. Its weight on its carrier was 11kg, with a spare battery that weighed an additional 3kg.

Who uses Clansman?

the British Army
Clansman is the radio system used by the British Army. Clansman was developed by SRDE in the 1970s, to satisfy a General Staff Requirement (GSR) laid down in 1965.

When did Bowman replace Clansman?

By the end of 2008, Bowman is scheduled to replace all of the remaining Clansman radios in the British army’s inventory. Bowman is fielded across all echelons up to division headquarters.

What are military frequencies?

The military has a BIG (175 MHz) military aircraft band in the 225-400 MHz range. Basic spacing between channels is 25 kHz. Military satellite uplinks are in the 240-270 MHz range. For specific satellite downlink frequencies see Satellite Times, Vol 1, issues 4-6 and Vol 2 issue 1.

Can you buy military radio?

Many military radios from WWII and other eras of history are for sale as collectible items on eBay. These radios come in a variety of styles and configurations to suit your needs or the kind of collection you want to build.

Who is the creator of the Clansman radio?

Clansman was developed by the Signals Research and Development Establishment (SRDE) in the 1960s, to satisfy a General Staff Requirement (GSR) laid down in 1965. Most Clansman radio equipment was built by Racal, Mullard Equipment Ltd (MEL) and Plessey, although headsets and ancillaries were also produced by Amplivox, Marconi and others.

How old was Rudyard Kipling when he got married?

On 18 January 1892, Carrie Balestier (aged 29) and Rudyard Kipling (aged 26) were married in London, in the “thick of an influenza epidemic, when the undertakers had run out of black horses and the dead had to be content with brown ones.”.

How did Rudyard Kipling’s reputation change over time?

Kipling’s subsequent reputation has changed with the political and social climate of the age. The contrasting views of him continued for much of the 20th century. Literary critic Douglas Kerr wrote: ” [Kipling] is still an author who can inspire passionate disagreement and his place in literary and cultural history is far from settled.

Where did Alice Kipling and John Lockwood Kipling meet?

John Lockwood Kipling, a sculptor and pottery designer, was the Principal and Professor of Architectural Sculpture at the newly founded Sir Jamsetjee Jeejebhoy School of Art in Bombay. John Lockwood and Alice had met in 1863 and courted at Rudyard Lake in Rudyard, Staffordshire, England. They married and moved to India in 1865.