Was the YF-23 better than the f22?

Was the YF-23 better than the f22?

The YF-23 was stealthier and faster, but less agile than its competitor. After a four-year development and evaluation process, the YF-22 was announced the winner in 1991 and entered production as the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor.

Why was f22 picked over f23?

The Cold War was over and the defense budget was already headed into decline. The Air Force knew that if it was going to ask Congress for money to fund a fighter that no longer had an opponent, the program had better be well managed. Another reason the YF-22 won: marketing.

What plane will replace the F-22 Raptor?

NGAD jet
The F-22 will be replaced by the NGAD jet, which will fly alongside the “F-35, which will be the cornerstone, [the] F-15EX as we come in, and then we’ll have F-16 for a while as well,” Brown said.

Is the F-22 outdated?

Unlike the F-35, the F-22 has been operational for years, and has already been used in a number of intercepts of foreign aircraft over international waters.

Is the F-22 more advanced than the F-35?

The jets were to work in tandem, with the F-22 specializing in air-to-air engagement and the F-35 excelling at ground-strike missions, though it was also capable of air-to-air combat. While the F-22 is better at dogfighting, the F-35 has far more advanced electronics.

Is the F-22 still in service?

The F-22 was canceled because America didn’t need a stealth air-superiority fighter for the War on Terror. With ongoing combat operations in multiple theaters to fund, the F-22 program was shut down in December 2011 with just 186 fighters delivered.

Which is better the YF-22 or The F-23?

The YF-23 had much better supersonic cruise performance, stealth and was only slightly less maneuverable at extremely low airspeeds. “Interestingly the YF-22 and YF-23 had exactly the same trimmed AoA of 60°.

Is the YF-22 Raptor a maneuverable aircraft?

Those V-tails are very powerful especially when coupled to an unstable airframe.” It is true that the YF-22 with its thrust vectoring capability did have a slight maneuverability edge at very low air speeds.

Is there a replacement for the F-22 Raptor?

In the meantime, there really hasn’t been a situation where the F-22 has come up short in ways the “F-23” would have not. In any case, the two companies will likely compete again—this time to build the Raptor’s replacement—in the near future.

What kind of engine did the YF-23 have?

Two YF-23 prototypes were ultimately built. The first, dubbed the Black Widow II by those involved with the program, was all black and powered by a pair of Pratt & Whitney engines that allowed the jet to supercruise at Mach 1.43 during its first round of testing in 1990.