How long is a reflection paragraph?

How long is a reflection paragraph?

A reflection paper should be between 300 and 500 words long, sometimes longer, and should report some of your thoughts about the reading in question. It may include questions about the reading, arguments on the issue raised by the author, and relevant point not raised by the author.

What reflection means?

1 : an instance of reflecting especially : the return of light or sound waves from a surface. 2 : the production of an image by or as if by a mirror. 3a : the action of bending or folding back. b : a reflected part : fold.

What’s an example of a reflection?

The definition of a reflection is a thought or writing about something, particular in the past, or what one sees when looking into a mirror or body of water. An example of reflection is what a girl sees in the mirror when she puts on her makeup.

Why is it called reflection?

Reflection comes from the idea of “self-examination, self-modification, and self-replication”, reflecting on one’s self for the purpose of change. In programming you use reflection to examine the structure of the program itself in the context of using it instead of just examining it.

How are reflections described mathematically?

When you reflect a point across the x-axis, the x-coordinate remains the same, but the y-coordinate is transformed into its opposite (its sign is changed). If you forget the rules for reflections when graphing, simply fold your paper along the x-axis (the line of reflection) to see where the new figure will be located.

Which statements must be true about the image of Δmnp after a reflection across line EG?

Answer. Answer: The image will be congruent to ΔMNP. The orientation of the image will be the same as the orientation of ΔMNP. The line segments connecting corresponding vertices will all be parallel to each other.

Which segment is the image of reflected across the line?

Reflection (description): Given a line in the plane, a reflection across is the transformation of the plane that maps each point on the line to itself, and maps each remaining point of the plane to its image such that is the perpendicular bisector of the segment .

Which could be coordinates of D o g after the reflection?

Answer Expert Verified The coordinates of D’O’G’ after the reflection would be D=(0,0), O=(-1,2), G=(1,4).

What is the rule for the reflection RX axis XY Brainly?

Step-by-step explanation: When you reflect over the x axis, the y values change. When you reflect over the y axis, the x values change.

What is the value of H H 1.5 H 9 H 10?

h = 1.5 h = 9 h = 10 h = 13.5.

What is the Y coordinate of point D after a translation?


What does a translation do to an image?

TransformationA transformation moves a figure in some way on the coordinate plane. TranslationA translation is a transformation that slides a figure on the coordinate plane without changing its shape, size, or orientation.

How do you calculate translation?

To find a translation image of a shape, you can use the following rule or formula. Suppose you want to translate or slide point P a units horizontally and b units vertically. Then, change the x-values and y-values of the coordinates of P. The points of the triangle of are A(-3, 1), B(-4, 3), and C(-2, 4).

What is a rule that describes the translation?

Mapping Rule A mapping rule has the following form (x,y) → (x−7,y+5) and tells you that the x and y coordinates are translated to x−7 and y+5. Translation A translation is an example of a transformation that moves each point of a shape the same distance and in the same direction. Translations are also known as slides.

What are the 4 translations?

There are four main types of transformations: translation, rotation, reflection and dilation. These transformations fall into two categories: rigid transformations that do not change the shape or size of the preimage and non-rigid transformations that change the size but not the shape of the preimage.

How do you describe a translation?

A translation moves a shape up, down or from side to side but it does not change its appearance in any other way. Translation is an example of a transformation. A transformation is a way of changing the size or position of a shape. Every point in the shape is translated the same distance in the same direction.

How do you write a translation function?

Key Points

  1. A translation is a function that moves every point a constant distance in a specified direction.
  2. A vertical translation is generally given by the equation y=f(x)+b y = f ( x ) + b .
  3. A horizontal translation is generally given by the equation y=f(x−a) y = f ( x − a ) .

How do you describe a translation function?

A function has been “translated” when it has been moved in a way that does not change its shape or rotate it in any way. A function can be translated either vertically, horizontally, or both. Other possible “transformations” of a function include dilation, reflection, and rotation.

How do you shift a function vertically?

We can express the application of vertical shifts this way: Formally: For any function f(x), the function g(x) = f(x) + c has a graph that is the same as f(x), shifted c units vertically. If c is positive, the graph is shifted up. If c is negative, the graph is shifted down.

How do you shift a function?

Moving left and right This is always true: To shift a function left, add inside the function’s argument: f (x + b) gives f (x)shifted b units to the left. Shifting to the right works the same way; f (x – b) is f (x) shiftedb units to the right.