What does Tim say is Elroy Berdahl role in his life?

What does Tim say is Elroy Berdahl role in his life?

Tim O’Brien describes Elroy Berdahl as the person who saved his life. Why? He gave him the space and time he needed to think about the war, the draft, and his true feelings all without ever saying a word about dodging the draft or the war.

What was Tim’s job in the summer of 1968?

The author of this story remembers that during the summer of 1968, when he had received his draft notice calling him to fight in the Vietnam War, he was working in an Armour meatpacking plant in his hometown of Worthington, Minnesota. His job was to remove blood clots from the necks of dead pigs.

How did Tim feel about the Vietnam War while he was at college do his actions and language support the idea that he hated the Vietnam War?

How did Tim feel about the Vietnam War while he was at college? Do his actions and language support the idea that he “hated” the Vietnam war? He disagreed with it, he beilived he was too good for the war. just like other people beilived so.

How did Tim feel about the Vietnam War while he was at college does he hate the Vietnam war why why not?

How did Tim feel about the Vietnam War while he was at college? He didn’t ‘hate’ the Vietnam war, he didn’t know enough about it in order hate it per say. He did however, believe he was too good for the war.

Why does Tim think he is too good for this war?

He, because he is so opposed to the war, believes that he should not be included in that summons, as he is a “liberal.” He therefore selects a group of people who are stereotypically associated with the war as being his example of the kind of people who should be summoned to war in his place.

Why is Elroy berdahl a hero?

Elroy is mostly silent on the topic of whether Tim should cross the border into Canada or not, but consistently offers opportunities for him to do so. He also serves as a reminder of what a hero can look like to Tim, a quiet but strong man who allows others to make important choices for themselves.

Why does O’Brien cry in the boat?

Why does young Tim O’brien cry in the boat with Elroy Berdahl? Because he replaced Kiley and when O’brien got shot the second time Jorgenson couldn’t figure out how to help him and he almost died.

Why did the narrator call himself a coward?

The narrator of The Things They Carried considers himself a coward because he went to Vietnam. He fought in the war.

How did Elroy save O Brien?

Elroy accepted O’Brien’s help in preparing the cabins for the winter, and he taught O’Brien how to split and stack firewood. On their last day together, Elroy took O’Brien fishing on the Rainy River.

Why didn’t Tim O’Brien go to Canada?

6) Why didn’t Tim O’Brien try to evade the draft by going to Canada? Tim O’Brien decides to go to Vietnam because he couldn’t find the resolve not to or, in his own words, because he “was embarrassed not to.” In “On the Rainy River,” O’Brien contemplates running away to Canada after he is drafted.

Why did O’Brien go to war?

Why does O’Brien decide to go to war? He believes in the cause. He’s too embarrassed not to. He doesn’t want to go to jail.

What did Tim O’Brien carry physically?

The narrator, Tim O’Brien, describes the things all the men of the company carry. They are things in the most physical sense—mosquito repellent and marijuana, pocket knives and chewing gum. The things they carry depend on several factors, including the men’s priorities and their constitutions.

Why does Rat Kiley shoot himself?

In The Things They Carried, Rat Kiley shoots himself in the foot order to get out of fighting. This way, he’ll be transferred out of the combat zone without causing himself any serious damage.

How does Tim O’Brien feel about the war?

In college, O’Brien took a stand against the war. The day the draft notice is delivered, O’Brien thinks that he is too good to fight the war. Although his community pressures him to go, he resists making a decision about whether to go to war or flee.

Why hasn’t o’Brien ever told the story on the Rainy River?

Why hasn’t O’Brien ever told the story “On the Rainy River”? Why does he decide to do so now? He thought it would only cause embarrassment for all of them. He is doing ithe now because he wants to relieve at least some of the pressure on his dreams.

What was found in Kiowas rucksack?

The pack was heavy with mud and water, dead-looking. Inside were a pair of moccasins and an illustrated New Testament.

What does Tim say you shouldn’t have to feel about being wounded?

What does Tim say you shouldn’t have to feel about being wounded? Tim didn’t feel like he was in war as much; he felt like an outsider.

What does the ghost soldiers add to the book?

“The Ghost Soldiers” adds a new perspective that is not much discussed throughout the book. It adds the accounts of O’Brien’s attitudes towards the other soldiers. O’Brien recalls that he was shot twice. During and after his treatment, O’Brien appreciates Kiley’s skill, courage, and ease.

What is the average age of a soldier in O Brien’s platoon?

The average age in O’Brien’s fictional platoon was 18 or 19.

Why did Lt Jimmy Cross feel Ted Lavender’s death was his fault?

Why did Lieutenant Jimmy Cross feel guilty about Ted Lavender’s death? In what sense is his death Jimmy’s fault? Jimmy felt like his death was because he loved Martha so much and he could not stop thinking about her while Ted was in the platoon. Since Jimmy was not paying attention Ted was shot.

Why did O Brien’s relationship with Linda end?

Why did O’Brien’s relationship with Linda end? She died of a brain tumor.

On what occasion does Rat Kiley write a letter to a man’s sister?

On what occasion does Rat Kiley write a letter to a man’s sister? The man died.