What literary device is most clearly used in this passage The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock?

What literary device is most clearly used in this passage The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock?

B. Allusion

What literary device is most clearly used in this passage?

Answer: Your answer would be that the literary device used in the passage is an analogy.

Which event from The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock best shows this theme?

The event from the love song that best shows the isolating world theme is that Prufroock wishes he were a crab living by the sea floor.

What is the theme in the Lovesong of J Alfred Prufrock?

Alfred Prufrock” is a poem written by T.S. Eliot in 1910 and published in 1915. It is considered one of the quintessential works of modernism, a literary movement at the turn of the 20th century that emphasized themes of alienation, isolation, and the diminishing power of the traditional sources of authority.

Which is an example of an allusion from the love song?

In the poem “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,” the author T. S. Eliot makes an allusion to William Shakespeare’s character Hamlet. He also rephrases Hamlet’s famous phrase “to be or not to be” from his famous soliloquy.

How does the use of a rhetorical question in this passage most clearly strengthen?

The use of a rhetorical question in the passage most clearly strengthen Susan B. Anthony’s speech by having the audience focus on the central purpose of the speech. Explanation: Most of the time it is used to emphasize the main point of the message and to engage the audience with it.

Why is it a good idea to pause after reading a rhetorical question?

Ask a rhetorical question to engage the audience and pause to allow them to think of an answer. This gets the audience to actively participate rather than passively listen as they create hypotheses or resolutions.

Which behavior is most clearly a response to a rhetorical situation Brainly?

The most likely behavior when you are in a rhetorical situation would be to respond by: A. Speaking especially slowly and clearly.

Which kind of rhetorical appeal is Wiesel?


Which phrase from the passage most clearly uses pathos to persuade the audience?

The correct answer is A. In this passage from “The Perils of Indifference”, Elie Wiesel uses the phrases “black gates and barbed wire” to evoke emotions on the reader.

Which word from the passage is an appeal to pathos?

D. rude is correct answer.

Which activity is an example of ethos appeal in a wartime speech?

Question: Which is an example of an ethos appeal in a wartime speech? *A. Explaining the speaker’s experiences as a military commander Correct! The correct answer is: Explaining the speaker’s experiences as a military commander.

Which appeal is the best example of ethos answers com?

Pointing out your source of knowledge before giving advice on a subject is an example of ethos. An example is saying, as a nurse, I am qualified to tell you that the regimen suggested by the doctor is the best remedy for your ailment.

What element must an effective wartime speech have?

Question: Which element must an effective wartime speech have? *A. Powerful language Correct! The correct answer is: Powerful language.

What are three reasons a leader might give a wartime speech?

A leader may give a wartime speech for the following reasons:

  • To focus on the military strengths and successes.
  • To share the truth about the consequences and dangers of war.
  • To remind people of patriotic spirit and neighbourly unity.

How might a leader use logos ethos and pathos in a wartime speech?

The use of Logos tries to convince an audience by the use of the reason and the logic. In this case, a military leader that wants to use Logos in a wartime speech has to use data, numbers, statistics that make people think and use logic. The other two to convince an audience are Pathos and Ethos.

How might the tone of a wartime speech sound?

How might the tone of a wartime speech sound? Grave and somber (to reflect upon danger or losses)Uplifting and encouraging (to convince the audience that they can conquerthe enemy)Serious (to explain the hardships to come)4. What are three reasons a leader might give a wartime speech?

Which type of audience appeal evokes feelings within the audience?


What is emotional appeal examples?

In general, an effective way to create emotional appeal is to use words that have a lot of pathos associated with them. Pathos is an emotional appeal used in rhetoric that depicts certain emotional states. Some examples of “pathos” charged words include: strong, powerful, tragic, equality, freedom, and liberty.

What is ethos example?

Ethos is when an argument is constructed based on the ethics or credibility of the person making the argument. Ethos is in contrast to pathos (appealing to emotions) and logos (appealing to logic or reason). Examples of Ethos: A commercial about a specific brand of toothpaste says that 4 out of 5 dentists use it.