Can you elaborate on the reason context clues are important?

Can you elaborate on the reason context clues are important?

Context clues are important because they help us figure out what new words mean. Context clues, knowledge of root words and affixes, and dictionaries cannot be helpful when figuring out the meaning of an unknown word. Context clues tricks you into figuring out the meaning of an known word.

What is the use of context clues?

Context clues are hints that an author gives to help define a difficult or unusual word within a book. The clue may appear within the same sentence as the word to which it refers or it may follow in the next sentence.

How do you express confusion in English?

How to express confusion in English?

  1. Use phrases to say you didn’t understand. Sorry, I didn’t catch that.
  2. Use phrases to convey why you didn’t understand. While every person has flaws in English, it is not possible for everyone to understand all the others.
  3. Ask someone to repeat themselves.
  4. Apologize for the confusion.
  5. Words to say that you understand.

How do you say do you understand politely?

What are some alternative ways of saying “Do you understand me?”

  1. Am I getting my point across?
  2. Are you following me?
  3. Are you with me on this?
  4. Did I explain that well?
  5. Dig? = Understand?
  6. Does that make any sense?
  7. Does that sound okay to you?
  8. Don’t you see?

How do you say I am not sure formally?


  1. perhaps. adverb. used for saying that you are not certain about something, or that something may or may not be true.
  2. maybe. adverb.
  3. presumably. adverb.
  4. reportedly. adverb.
  5. rumour/word/legend has it that. phrase.
  6. it/that depends. phrase.
  7. not that I’m aware of. phrase.
  8. I dare say. phrase.

Is sure formal or informal?

“Surely” is traditional, formal, correct. “Sure” is colloquial, informal, common, and also correct (at least it is in America.)

Is sure informal?

Both sure and surely are used as intensifying adverbs with the sense “undoubtedly, certainly.” In this use, sure is generally informal and occurs mainly in speech and written representations of speech: She sure dazzled the audience with her acceptance speech.

Is sure rude?

“Sure” is not at all rude in the American vernacular. If asked a question that would warrant a “yes “ or “no” answer saying sure could be seen as being rude. Usually it means the person didn’t understand the question and instead of asking for clarity or for the question to be repeated they would say “sure”.

Is sure negative or positive?

The difference between Positive and Sure. When used as adjectives, positive means not negative or neutral, whereas sure means physically secure and certain, non-failing, reliable. Positive is also noun with the meaning: a thing capable of being affirmed. Sure is also interjection with the meaning: yes.

How do you reply to would you mind?

The answer may be “Of course not!” which means “I don’t/wouldn’t mind if you do it”, or “Of course I do (mind)!” which means the reverse. Also, to agree, you may answer “Go ahead!” or “Please, do!” or to disagree, “Please, don’t!” (Then it would be polite to explain the reason for your disagreement) .

Can you reply sure to thanks?

The word sure is sometimes used to respond to Thank you. Saying sure in response to thank you is very informal. It is a replacement for the more standard You’re welcome and means much the same as the more formal response certainly.

How do you reply to a beautiful comment?

How to Respond to a Compliment Text

  1. “Thanks – you made my day.”
  2. “Well thanks – if you could see me, I’m full on blushing!”
  3. “I so appreciate you saying that – that was so sweet of you!”
  4. “Thanks so much – I really like your (insert a personality trait).

How do you thank someone for welcome?

Thank you for your Warm Welcome and your Hospitality

  1. Many thanks to you for welcoming me warmly into your home. Your exceptional act of kindness shall never be forgotten.
  2. I was so touched by the incredible warmth of your reception and your generosity. You’re absolutely the best.
  3. Living at your home was an absolutely fabulous experience.

What means you are welcome?

convention. You say ‘You’re welcome’ to someone who has thanked you for something in order to acknowledge their thanks in a polite way.

Can I say you are most welcome?

Sometimes, if you want to show someone that they are really welcome, you might use the phrase “you are more than welcome” or “you are very welcome.” These phrases follow the same rules described above—the correct form is welcome (not welcomed).

When people say your most welcome?

Whenever someone thanks you for any reason whatsoever you reply out of general courtesy by saying that you are most welcome. By saying this you imply that you will always help him and that you welcome the person to come to you and share his troubles and sadness or Joy . Hope this helps you.

Where do we use most welcome?

When someone says THANK YOU as a compliment for anything done or any favour done then we say “ Most Welcome” or “You are most welcome” in a complete sentence.

Is your welcome rude?

She explained that “you’re welcome”—a phrase that is meant to be courteous—is sometimes perceived as insincere or snarky. When the phrase is exclaimed in the absence of thanks, as comedians have made popular, it is obviously rude. When used graciously, “you’re welcome” is a perfectly polite form of expression.

How do you write your welcome?

YOUR is a possessive pronoun. There is nothing possessive in YOUR welcome so you can’t use it in this instance. The correct answer is YOU’RE. YOU’RE is a contraction for YOU ARE and the technical phrase is YOU ARE WELCOME.

Why do you say you are welcome?

“Thank you ” is an expression of gratitude to any sort of help extended by a person. (Not at all,) “You are welcome” is an expression of assurance by the person who has helped the other, saying that one can always expect such a help and that it will not be mistaken & the other is always welcome to take such help.

How do you respond to a well done message?

For a job well done: “Thank you. I was hoping this was what you were looking for, and I really like it too.” For a speech, performance, article, or work of art: “Thank you. I really enjoy (writing, performing, speaking, whatever), and I’m glad you liked it!”