What is the meaning of the play Our Town?

What is the meaning of the play Our Town?

“Our Town” represents Americana; the small-town life of the early 1900s, it is a world most of us have never experienced. The fictional village of Grover’s Corners contains quaint activities of yesteryear: A doctor walking through town, making house calls. A milkman, traveling alongside his horse, happy in his work.

What is the story our town about?

Our Town is a 1938 metatheatrical three-act play by American playwright Thornton Wilder which won the Pulitzer Prize for Drama. The play tells the story of the fictional American small town of Grover’s Corners between 1901 and 1913 through the everyday lives of its citizens.

Who is The Paperboy in our town?

Joe Crowell, Jr.

How old is Rebecca in our town?

Rebecca Gibbs – young girl age 11 to 13. Has a strong sense of energy and wonder about the world. Amazed at the stars and the earth’s place in the galaxy.

Who dies in France in our town?

Our Town: Character Match

Wally Webb dies on a camping trip
Joe Crowell, Jr died in France
Mrs. Webb proud of children’s good looks
Emily Webb is the brightest girl in school

Who does Emily marry in our town?

Emily and George’s union is, at its core, about their mutual love for each other. The stage manager says that he’s performed hundreds of marriages, and that “once in a thousand times it’s interesting.” Newly married, George and Emily leave looking happy.

Where did Mrs Gibbs go that evening?

Where did Mrs. Gibbs go that evening? Mrs. Gibbs went to choir practice.

What are the acts called in our town?

The First Act was called the Daily Life. This act is called Love and Marriage. There’s another act coming after this.

What is the first act of our town called?

Play Summary. Act I, which Wilder calls “Daily Life,” is a re-creation of the normal daily activities found in a small New Hampshire town. The act opens with the appearance of the Stage Manager, who speaks directly to the audience.

What is the mood of our town?

MOOD. The mood of the play is very calm and ordinary, to the point of seeming almost boring. As a result, Wilder uses the mood to emphasize the theme of his play, that people are not excited about living. Most people, just like the Gibbs and Webbs, go through life experiencing the day to day with little joy or sorrow.

How would you describe the setting of our town?

Our Town is set in the fictional town of Grover’s Corners, New Hampshire (population: 2,642). Key scenes take place at the Gibbs and Webb houses, a drugstore counter, and the town cemetery.

What year did our town start?


Where was our town written?

WILDER WROTE OUR TOWN IN PETERBOROUGH AND ZURICH. Wilder wrote part of Our Town as a fellow of the MacDowell Colony, an artists’ retreat established in Peterborough in 1907. He also worked on the play at an isolated hotel in Zurich, Switzerland, where he was the sole guest.