Which of the following lines of I stand here ironing supports the inference that the mother is heavily burdened by the past?

Which of the following lines of I stand here ironing supports the inference that the mother is heavily burdened by the past?

Answer Expert Verified The line of “I Stand Here Ironing” supports the inference that the mother is heavily burdened by the past is “Or I will become engulfed with all I did or did not do, with what should have been and what cannot be helped.” I hope my answer has come to your help.

What is the importance of point of view in I stand here ironing?

“I Stand Here Ironing” was written in the first person so that we could see Emily the way her mother (narrator) saw her. Through her reverie, we feel the mother’s pain that her daughter felt ugly as a child.

What does I stand here ironing mean?

In “I Stand Here Ironing,” Olsen suggests that the role of selfless mother that society expects women to embrace is actually an obstacle to any kind of successful self-discovery. Rather than help women achieve self-actualization, motherhood actually strands women in lives laden with toil and excessive responsibility.

How does the narrator feel about Emily in I stand here ironing?

The narrator feels she would become mired in the abstractions of the situation, all the things she should have done or those things that cannot be altered. The narrator remembers how beautiful Emily was as a baby, then her awkward phase, followed by the blossoming of her beauty in her late teens.

Why do the aldermen visit Miss Emily?

The Board of Aldermen visit Miss Emily Grierson’s home at the beginning of the story in an attempt to collect money for her past due taxes. Before they have a chance to protest and explain that Colonel Sartoris is no longer alive, she dismisses them without paying her taxes.

What motive or motives might miss Emily have had for killing Homer Barron?

Emily’s main reasons for killing him were because she was angry that he had turned her down, and that she knew that this was her last, best chance at matrimony. There were no other men in the town in whom she was interested (and vice versa), and no other prospects were likely.

How does Faulkner characterize Emily?

Question 5: How does Faulkner characterize Miss Emily in this chunk? Faulkner characterizes her as a woman with “cold, haughty black eyes” who “carried her head high enough” with “dignity” and looked at the druggist “eye for eye.” She seems strong, independent, and stubborn about getting her way.

What metaphor is used to describe Miss Emily?

In the opening of the story, Miss Emily is referred to as “a fallen monument.” As a metaphor, this fits her in several ways. She has died or “fallen.” She has been a part of the town for so long that she is viewed as an enduring monument of sorts, rather than a human being.

Is Emily Grierson a protagonist or antagonist?

Because Homer clearly opposes Emily’s wish, he is considered an antagonist in this story.

Why does Miss Emily buy rat poison?

In order to keep him permanently around, she bought poison from a druggist. Many of the people in the community assumed that this poison would be for Miss Emily to kill herself. The community then realized, after coming upon this secret, that this poison was to keep Homer in Miss Emily’s life. Click to see full answer.

Why do townspeople say poor Emily?

In “A Rose for Emily,” the townspeople keep repeating “poor Emily” as an indication that they believe she has fallen from her privileged social standing. Miss Emily does not conform to their social expectations, particularly when she chooses to enjoy the company of a man who is a day laborer from the North.

What does Miss Emily buy from the druggist?

Miss Emily bought arsenic from the druggist in “A Rose for Emily.” She would not, as the law requires, explain to him what she planned to use it for.