What does the passage explain read the passage from the beginnings of the Maasai?

What does the passage explain read the passage from the beginnings of the Maasai?

What does the passage explain? Read the passage from “The Beginnings of the Maasai.” These cattle are sacred, because they are actually a divine gift from the sky god, Enkai. Our tribe makes a living by caring for the cattle, feeding them, and protecting them.

How old is the Maasai tribe?

According to the tribe’s own oral history, the Maasai originated north of Lake Turkana (north-west Kenya) in the lower Nile Valley. They began migrating south in the 15th century and arrived in the long trunk of land stretching across central Tanzania and Northern Kenya during the 17th and 18 century.

Why do the Maasai tribe wear red?

RED is the most important color for the Maasai community. It represents cow blood – which the Maasai drink mixed with cattle milk for added nutrition, power and strength – especially in times of famine. It is also considered important for Maasai warriors to wear it as a way to protect themselves against wild animals.

Why do Maasai jump?

It’s a sort of mating dance, a way for a young Maasai man who has just become a warrior to demonstrate his strength and attract a bride. Two men enter the centre and begin to jump, heels never touching the ground, straight into the air as high as they can go.

Where do the Maasai get their clothes?


What do the Maasai do for fun?

They love singing and dancing: If you have a chance to visit some of Kenya’s major restaurants and game reserves including the Nairobi National Park and many other tourist destinations away from the city, you will most probably meet some Maasai men and women singing and dancing as they usher you in.

Why do the Maasai not bury their dead?

Burial Rituals Traditionally, the Maasai do not bury their dead. They believe that once someone has died their journey is over. The Maasai do not believe as an after life. Most dead bodies are simply thrown to the wild forests for scavengers.

What do the Maasai do with their dead?

Similar to Ancient Tibetan and Mongolian traditions, the Maasai people leave the body out for scavengers. For the scavenger burial, they cover the body with ox blood or cattle fat and leave them in a bush for scavengers to eat. The deceased is considered a good person if they eat them on the first night.

How is the Maasai circumcised?

The Maasai tribe in Tanzania and Kenya practice traditional circumcision termed the “button-hole procedure. This technique pulls the glans of the penis through an incision in the foreskin, leaving a portion of foreskin hanging as a permanent appendage.

Are Maasai tall?

They are considered one of the tallest people in the world with average height of 6 ft 3 inches according to some reports. Traditionally, the Maasai diet consisted of raw meat, raw milk, and raw blood from cattle.

How do the Maasai make money?

Livestock such as cattle, goats and sheep are the primary source of income for the Maasai. Livestock serves as a social utility and plays an important role in the Maasai economy. Livestock are traded for other livestock, cash or livestock products such as milk and siege.

What problems do the Maasai face?

Climate change is extending years of dry seasons in East Africa, and long droughts are threatening the tribe with extinction. (“Maasai Culture,” n.d.) Due to extended dry seasons and droughts, their crops and resources are dying, leaving them with no food or source of water to live on.

What is the Maasai diet?

The traditional Maasai diet consists of six basic foods: milk, meat, fat, blood, honey, and tree bark. Both fresh and curdled milk are drunk. Fresh milk is drunk in a calabash (gourd) and is sometimes mixed with fresh cattle blood.

Why are cattle so important to the Maasai?

The Maasai people also rely on cattle as their main source of food – cows provide them with meat and milk. In fact, cattle are so important to the Maasai people, that their nomadic lifestyle is influence by them. They move from land to land, looking for the best grass that they can feed their cows.

What type of society are the Maasai?

The Maasai are a modern pastoral society with an economy largely structured around herds of cattle.

Are Maasai Nilotes?

The Maasai (/ˈmɑːsaɪ, mɑːˈsaɪ/) are a Nilotic ethnic group inhabiting northern, central and southern Kenya and northern Tanzania. They are among the best known local populations internationally due to their residence near the many game parks of the African Great Lakes, and their distinctive customs and dress.

How high can a Maasai warrior jump?

8 feet 4 inches

What is a laibon?

A Laibon is someone of great importance in a traditional Maasai community. They are someone gifted with the power to see the future.

What is a Maasai Moran?

In Maasai. …men are traditionally known as morans. During this life stage they live in isolation in the bush, learning tribal customs and developing strength, courage, and endurance—traits for which Maasai warriors are noted throughout the world.

What is the name of the oldest tribe in Africa?

7 Oldest African Tribes

  • Maasai. Age: over 3,000 years old. Location: southern Kenya and northern Tanzania.
  • Berbers. Age: over 10,000 years old.
  • Sandawe. Age: over 87,000 years old.
  • African Pygmies. Age: over 100,000.
  • Hadza. Age: over 100,000 years old.
  • Nama. Age: 100,000 – 140,000.
  • San (Bushmen) Age: 100,000 – 140,000 years old.

What does the passage explain read the passage from the beginnings of the Maasai?

What does the passage explain read the passage from the beginnings of the Maasai?

In “The Beginnings of the Maasai,” the daughter of the Maasai explains the relationship between the Maasai and their sky god Enkai. She explains how a volcanic eruption sent Enkai and the cattle into the sky. As a result, the cattle are sacred to the Maasai, and the Maasai maintain a close connection with Enkai.

Which is the best summary of the beginning of the beginning of the Maasai?

Which is the best summary of the beginning of “The Beginnings of the Maasai”? The daughter of the Maasai introduces herself and the Maasai, and explains their important relationships with their cattle and the sky god Enkai. As a result of a volcanic eruption, Enkai and the cattle were thrown into the sky…

What is the purpose of this passage these cattle are sacred?

These cattle are sacred, because they are actually a divine gift from the sky god, Enkai. Our tribe makes a living by caring for the cattle, feeding them, and protecting them. Which phrase from the passage refers to a key element found in myths?

Which best summarizes the resolution of the conflict at the end of the beginnings of the Messiah?

The option that best summarizes the resolution of the conflict at the end of “The Beginnings of the Masaai” is “Although the Kamba chopped down the fig tree, the Masaai tribe is still connected with Enkai through their cattle.”

Who is the central character introduced in the beginning of the myth Maasai?

The Father of the Maasai introduces his daughter, explaining how the daughters and sons of the tribe care for the cattle and the sky god Enkai. The daughter of the Maasai introduces herself and the Maasai, and explains their important relationships with their cattle and the sky god Enkai.

Which sentence contains the most elements of a final summary quizlet?

The correct answer for this question is this one: “Now Enkai lives at the top of Mount Kenya, and we Maasai still live below, herding cattle down in the plains.” The sentence that contains the most elements of a final summary is that Now Enkai lives at the top of Mount Kenya, and we Maasai still live below, herding …

Which information from this passage about enkai is most important to include in a summary of the overall story quizlet?

Which information from this passage about Enkai is most important to include in a summary of the overall story? The tribe’s relationship with Enkai is crucial to them.

What should Lukas do with this paragraph?

What should Lukas do with this paragraph? He should put it in the beginning of the essay. He should put it in the middle of the essay. He should put it at the end of the essay.

Which mythical features are present in the beginning of the Maasai?

cows flying through the air among the dusty clouds, a giant tree connecting the earth and the sky, the cattle walking down the branches of the fig tree, and the narrator being the granddaughter of a god.

Which mythical features are present in the beginning of the Maasai highlight four options?

Summarize the plot of the myth “The Beginnings of the Maasai.”…Select four options.

  • Cows flying through the air among the dusty clouds.
  • A giant tree connecting the earth and the sky.
  • The cattle walking down the branches of the fig tree.
  • The narrator being the granddaughter of a god.

Why does the summary need to be revised?

Why does the summary need to be revised? The summary lacks transitions that connect ideas. Why does Neiterkob’s daughter most likely tell the myth “The Beginnings of the Maasai”?

What does a myth attempt to explain?

Myths are stories that are based on tradition. Some may have factual origins, while others are completely fictional. But myths are more than mere stories and they serve a more profound purpose in ancient and modern cultures. Myths are sacred tales that explain the world and man’s experience.

Why is mythology so important?

Even American culture has its own mythology. Another reason mythology plays an important role is because it becomes a foundation for a lot of religions that are practiced. These particular myths are stories that tell us about battles between good and evil. Every religion has stories like that, both ancient and modern.

What is in Pandora’s Box?

In Hesiod’s Works and Days, Pandora had a jar containing all manner of misery and evil. Zeus sent her to Epimetheus, who forgot the warning of his brother Prometheus and made Pandora his wife. She afterward opened the jar, from which the evils flew out over the earth.

What’s the difference between a myth and a legend?

Myths are stories that are passed down about how or why something came to be. Legends are designed to teach a lesson about a real person in history, with a few facts dramatically changed.

Are legend be accepted as truth?

A legend (/ˈlejənd/) is a story about human events or actions that has not been proved nor documented in real history. Legends are retold as if they are real events and were believed to be historical accounts. Sometimes, it’s hard to say whether a legend is fiction or nonfiction—the truth behind it can be unclear.

What is better than a legend?

That means they were distinctive, unmatched, superlative, epic, grand, magnificent, praiseworthy, notable, amazing, fantastic, outstanding, overpowering, breathtaking.

Is the Trojan War a myth or a legend?

For most ancient Greeks, indeed, the Trojan War was much more than a myth. It was an epoch-defining moment in their distant past. As the historical sources – Herodotus and Eratosthenes – show, it was generally assumed to have been a real event.

Did Hector and Achilles really fight?

As depicted in Homer’s The Iliad, Hector is one of the principal defenders of Troy, and he very nearly won the war for the Trojans. As the Greeks stormed the Trojan castle, Hector came out to meet Achilles in single combat—wearing the fateful armor of Achilles taken off the body of Patroclus.

What race were the Trojans?

The Trojans were people that lived in the city state of Troy on the coast of Turkey by the Aegean Sea, around the 12th or 13th Century BCE. We think they were of Greek or Indo-European origin, but no one knows for sure.

What is Troy called now?


Is Troy an Albanian?

An Albanian documentary incredibly claimed the city of Troy was actually Albanian while also arguing Achilles, who fought against Troy was also Albanian! Not to be outdone, Turkey proclaimed 2018 as the year of Troy, with the Turkish President himself making the announcement.

Are Romans descendants of Trojans?

Other Trojans also marry the locals, and their progeny are called the Latins. Romulus and Remus are direct descendants and found the city of Rome. Therefore, the Romans were descendants of these Latins, who were themselves descended from Trojans.

Is Troy Roman or Greek?

Troy VIII and Troy IX (c. 950 BCE to 550 CE) are the sites of Greek Ilion and Roman Ilium respectively. There is evidence that the site was populated throughout the so-called Dark Ages but the settlement did not return to a level of significant development until the 8th century BCE.

Are Turks descended from Trojans?

There are many who claim Turks are descendants of communities as diverse as the Hittites, Phrygians, Lycians, Trojans and Ionian and Byzantine Greeks. They support the thesis that Turks are offspring of all civilisations that once flourished in Anatolia.

Who are the Trojans descended from?

The Dardanoi (Greek: Δάρδανοι; its anglicized modern terms being Dardanians or Dardans) in classical writings were either the same people as, or a people closely related to, the Trojans, an ancient people of the Troad, located in northwestern Anatolia.

Were the Trojans good or bad?

The Trojan are often shown to be more “noble” than the Greeks because, in a way, they were. They were a prosperous local superpower, while the Greeks were a military alliance.

Was Troy part of Persia?

After this, the site acquired a new, Greek-speaking population, and the city became, along with the rest of Anatolia, a part of the Persian Empire….Troy.

Abandoned Main periods of abandonment as a residential city: 950 BC – 750 BC 450 AD – 1200 AD 1300 AD

Are Trojans Hittites?

According to Homer, Trojans shared a common language, religion and customs with the Achaeans. Before the era of the Trojan War, the area belonged to the Hittite Empire, but this does not mean that they were of Anatolian (Luwian) origin. It is known that the Aegean Coast was inhabited by Greeks.