Which of the following is a rule for quoting multiple paragraphs?

Which of the following is a rule for quoting multiple paragraphs?

Yes. When a speaker’s words in dialogue extend to more than one paragraph, use an opening quotation mark at the beginning of each paragraph. Use a closing quotation mark, however, only at the end of the person’s speech, not at the end of every paragraph.

How do you separate long quotes?

Longer Quotations Separate the quotation from the main text of your essay by indenting it. You may single space the quotation, but do not centre the text and do not change the font. The indentation indicates that the text is a quotation; you do not need quotations marks.

How do you punctuate a quote in a paragraph?

Proper Punctuation – Quotes

  1. If you start by telling who said it, use a comma and then the first quotation mark.
  2. If you put the quote first and then tell who said it, use a comma at the end of the sentence, and then the second quotation mark.
  3. Punctuation always goes inside the quotation marks if it is a direct quote.

How do you show a continuous quote?

  1. Shorten long quotes with ellipses. You can shorten quotes by removing words from the middle of the quote and adding ellipses to indicate that you have removed some words.
  2. Clarify Quotes with Brackets.
  3. Mix your own words and snippets of quotes in the same sentence.

Can you end a quote with a semicolon?

The semicolon should be placed outside ending quotation marks. When the quoted matter ends with a semicolon, the semicolon in the quotation is dropped: The agency reviewed those petitions that were “timely”; it ignored those that were late.

Should I use a colon before a quote?

You can use a colon before a quotation when the quotation is at least one sentence. Having a quotation that is a full sentence (or more) is far more common than having an introduction that is an independent clause.

Where do you put quotation marks?

Quotation marks and other punctuation marks In the United States, the rule of thumb is that commas and periods always go inside the quotation marks, and colons and semicolons (dashes as well) go outside: “There was a storm last night,” Paul said.