What is the theme of the lottery based on this excerpt?

What is the theme of the lottery based on this excerpt?

What does the theme of “The Lottery” based on this excerpt? The danger of following tradition. How are women treated in the story? Women have no real power and take care of the home and children.

What is the main point of the lottery?

“The Lottery” articulates two truths: following a tradition blindly may lead to disaster, and people, no matter how outwardly civilized, can become brutes. And it is clear that Jackson, in creating such a horrific story, was thinking about the brutality of WWII that corrupted many “civilized” people.

What is a theme to the lottery?

Examples of themes present in “The Lottery” include, the reluctance of people to reject outdated traditions, society designating a scapegoat to blame the sins on in the community, and the theme that following the crowd can have consequences.

Is Tessie Mrs Hutchinson in the lottery?

Tessie participates in the lottery and seems lighthearted about it as she makes jokes, and when it is her time and she is making a scene, Mrs. Delacroix and Mrs.

Where did Tessie Hutchinson die?

The woman selected by the lottery to be sacrificed, she is stoned to death by the villagers at the very end of the story. Tessie arrives late at the lottery, saying she forgot the day. Her casual attitude as she jokes with her neighbors changes dramatically when the Hutchinson family is selected in the lottery.

What do the stones in the lottery symbolize?

Stoning is one of the oldest and most common forms of execution (417). The stones symbolize death, but also the villagers’ unanimous support of the lottery tradition. Even as Tessie protests the drawing, the villagers collect their stones and move into throw them.

What is ironic about the ending of the lottery?

The plot as a whole in “The Lottery” is filled with ironic twists. The whole idea of a lottery is to win something, and the reader is led to believe that the winner will receive some prize, when in actuality they will be stoned to death by the rest of the villagers.

What does the lottery itself symbolize?

The lottery represents any action, behavior, or idea that is passed down from one generation to the next that’s accepted and followed unquestioningly, no matter how illogical, bizarre, or cruel. The lottery has been taking place in the village for as long as anyone can remember.

What important preparation was made a night before the lottery?

The night before the lottery, Mr. Summers and Mr. Graves made up the slips of paper and put them in the box, and it was then taken to the safe of Mr. Summers’ coal company and locked up until Mr.

What does Black Box symbolize in the lottery?

In the short story The Lottery the black box represents the longevity of the tradition and death. This black box symbolizes the loyalty these citizens have to the tradition and the death that comes with it. …