How far does Kennedy say the United States is willing to go to assume liberty for all nations?

How far does Kennedy say the United States is willing to go to assume liberty for all nations?

Answer Expert Verified. In his inaugural address on January 20, 1961, president John F. Kennedy stated that the US would go to any lengths to support friends and oppose enemies so that the survival and success of liberty would endure.

How do you cite an inaugural address MLA?

“Title of the Article or Individual Page.” Title of the Website, Name of the Publisher, Date the resource was published, URL. The above transcript of Trump’s inauguration speech is cited like this in MLA 8: Trump, Donald.

How do you cite a president’s speech?

Speaker’s Last Name, First Name. “Title of Speech.” Year Speech Was Delivered. In Book Title, edited by Editor’s First Name Last Name. City, State: Publisher, Year Published.

How do I cite a historical speech?


  1. Provide the speaker’s name,
  2. Title of the speech or lecture, using quotation marks.
  3. If applicable – Organization/Club/Sponsor,
  4. The location, including the building and the city,
  5. Day, month, year.

How do I cite Lincoln’s first inaugural address?

MLA citation style: -1916: Abraham Lincoln, March 1861 First Inaugural Address, Final Version . March, 1861. Manuscript/Mixed Material. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, .

What did Lincoln promise in his inaugural address?

Lincoln’s inaugural address was stirring. He appealed for the preservation of the Union. To retain his support in the North without further alienating the South, he called for compromise. He promised he would not initiate force to maintain the Union or interfere with slavery in the states in which it already existed.

What is the purpose of Lincoln’s second inaugural address?

Rejecting the South’s defense of slavery as “a positive good” and the North’s assumption that they bore no responsibility for the peculiar institution, Lincoln used his Second Inaugural Address to propose a common public memory of both the war and American slavery as the basis for restoring national unity.

Why was Abraham Lincoln’s speech so important?

In it, he invoked the principles of human equality contained in the Declaration of Independence and connected the sacrifices of the Civil War with the desire for “a new birth of freedom,” as well as the all-important preservation of the Union created in 1776 and its ideal of self-government.