How can I solve this problem?

How can I solve this problem?

Here are seven-steps for an effective problem-solving process.

  1. Identify the issues. Be clear about what the problem is.
  2. Understand everyone’s interests.
  3. List the possible solutions (options)
  4. Evaluate the options.
  5. Select an option or options.
  6. Document the agreement(s).
  7. Agree on contingencies, monitoring, and evaluation.

What is the answer to a question?

noun. a spoken or written reply or response to a question, request, letter, etc.: He sent an answer to my letter promptly. a correct response to a question asked to test one’s knowledge.

What is the answer to the viral math problem?

The PEMDAS version of solving it gets the answer 16. But those who use a different method called BODAS — brackets, orders, division, multiplication, addition and then subtraction — get an answer of 1. For anyone who didn’t get 16 or 1 as an answer, well, it’s probably time to brush up on your math skills.

What does Bomdas stand for?

arithmetic order of operations

What is the meaning of O in Bodmas rule?

Of or Order

How is Bodmas calculated?

The BODMAS rule states we should calculate the Brackets first (2 + 4 = 6), then the Orders (52 = 25), then any Division or Multiplication (3 x 6 (the answer to the brackets) = 18), and finally any Addition or Subtraction (18 + 25 = 43). Children can get the wrong answer of 35 by working from left to right.

Who invented Bodmas?

Achilles Reselfelt

Where is Bodmas applied?

When you complete a mathematical number sentence involving several different operations then BODMAS helps you to know which order to complete them in. Anything in Brackets should be completed first, then the orders, followed by any division or multiplication and finally addition or subtraction.

Does Bodmas apply when there are no brackets?

7 + 7 ÷ 7 + 7 × 7 – 7 = ? Problems like this often do the rounds on social media sites, with captions like ‘90% of people get this wrong’. Just follow the rules of BODMAS to get the correct answer. There are no brackets or orders so start with division and multiplication.

What are the types of bracket?

Types of brackets include: parentheses or “round brackets” ( ) “square brackets” or “box brackets” [ ] braces or “curly brackets” { } “angle brackets” < >.

What is the difference between () and in math?

if using this in sets, () stands for open interval and [] means closed interval and {} is used to denote specific elements. Closed interval means the extreme numbers of the set are included in it and open means they arent. For example, (9,10] is the set of all numbers between 9 and 10 excluding 9 and including 10.

What are round brackets?

Round brackets (also called parentheses, especially in American English) are mainly used to separate off information that isn’t essential to the meaning of the rest of the sentence. If you removed the bracketed material the sentence would still make perfectly good sense.

Where do you put brackets in a sum?

Brackets. Indices. Division and Multiplication (start on the left and work them out in the order that you find them) Addition and Subtraction (when only addition and subtraction are left in the sum, work them out in the order you find them – starting from the left of the sum and working towards the right)

What’s the difference between square brackets and round brackets?

Usually we use square brackets – [ ] – for special purposes such as in technical manuals. Round brackets – ( ) – are used in a similar way to commas when we want to add further explanation, an afterthought, or comment that is to do with our main line of thought but distinct from it.

What does words in brackets mean?

They can enclose a single word, a phrase, or even an entire sentence. Typically, the words inside the parentheses provide extra information about something else in the sentence. Brackets, sometimes called square brackets, are most often used to show that words have been added to a direct quotation.

How do you know when to use parentheses or brackets?

Use a bracket (sometimes called a square bracket) to indicate that the endpoint is included in the interval, a parenthesis (sometimes called a round bracket) to indicate that it is not. parentheses are like strict inequalities. (3,7) includes 3.1 and 3.007 and 3., but it does not include 3 .