How can a fused sentence be corrected?

How can a fused sentence be corrected?

Some easy ways to correct a fused sentence are as follows:

  1. Add a period after the first independent clause and capitalize the next word. ( IC. IC)
  2. Add a semicolon after the first independent clause. ( IC; IC)
  3. Add a comma and a coordinating conjunction after the first independent clause. ( IC, CC IC)

What are the four ways to correct a run-on sentence?

There are four main ways to fix a run-on sentence:

  1. Separate the two clauses with a period.
  2. Separate the clauses with a semi-colon.
  3. Use a comma with a coordinating conjunction. (e.g. and, but, or, for, yet, nor, so) to separate the clauses.
  4. Use a subordinating conjunction.

What are the four methods for repairing fused sentences and comma splices?

Grammar Fix: Repairing Fused Sentences and Comma Splices

  • Fused Sentence. In a fused sentence, two independent clauses are simply thrown together in a sentence without any punctuation or appropriate connection.
  • Comma Splice.
  • Use a Coordinating Conjunction + a Comma.
  • Use a Semicolon.
  • Use a Period.

What technique S can be used to correct a comma splice or fused sentence?

The simplest way to fix a comma splice is to separate the two improperly joined sentences. Simply replace the comma with a period. The two sentences may sound a bit abrupt placed one after the other, but at least they will be grammatical: I completed my essay.

How do you join two sentences together?

You have four options for combining two complete sentences: comma and a conjunction (“and,” “but,” “or,” “for,” or “yet”) semicolon and a transitional adverb, like “therefore,” “moreover,” or “thus”

Why do people use run-on sentences?

Though it is not a good idea to use run-on sentences in writing, poets and writers sometimes use them for repeating something important, or for imitating the speaking style of characters. Despite that, use of run-on sentences is usually incorrect, because it makes the writing too difficult and intricate to understand.

What is a splice used for?

Splices can be used to form a stopper at the end of a line, to form a loop or an eye in a rope, or for joining two ropes together. Splices are preferred to knotted rope, since while a knot typically reduces the strength by 20–40%, a splice is capable of attaining a rope’s full strength.

What are the different types of splicing techniques?

There are two principal types of splices: fusion and mechanical. Fusion splices use an electric arc to weld two fiber-optic cables together. The process of fusion splicing involves using localized heat to melt or fuse the ends of two optical fibers together.

How do you identify a fused sentence and a comma splice?

When a sentence rambles on an on, you might end up with a comma splice or a fused sentence. There is not much difference between the two: A comma splice occurs when you’ve used a comma instead of a period. A fused sentence is when you squeeze together two sentences with no punctuation in between.