What is an exclamatory sentence with examples?

What is an exclamatory sentence with examples?

An exclamatory sentence makes a statement that conveys strong emotion or excitement. Placing that tiny stripe above a period at the end of a sentence can really rock the boat! For example: “I got the concert tickets!”

Can a declarative sentence have an exclamation point?

Declarative sentences are the basic building blocks of conversation and writing. To ask a question, issue a command or make an exclamation you would use a different type of sentence: interrogative, imperative or exclamatory. You can see the difference in these examples: They end in a question mark.

What do exclamation sentences start with?

The definition of an “exclamation sentence” being applied is that it must start with either “how” or “what” and, to be a full sentence, must include a verb. So, an exclamation such as “How amazing!” would not count. It would need the addition of a verb (e.g. “How amazing it was!”) to qualify.

What are the words of exclamation?

Exclamatory Words

  • Wow!
  • Brilliant!
  • Awesome!
  • Ouch!
  • Amazing!
  • Bravo!
  • Fantastic!
  • Tremendous!

What is an exclamation in grammar?

Exclamations – Easy Learning Grammar. Exclamations are short utterances that you make when you are very surprised or upset. They are not always whole sentences. Sometimes they are more like a noise than a word. In this case they are called interjections.

How many types of exclamatory sentences are there?

four sentence types

What is the difference between an exclamation and a statement?

A command makes a request or tells someone to do something. It usually ends with a period. If the command shows strong feeling, it ends with an exclamation point. An exclamation is like a statement, but it shows surprise or strong feeling.

Can a command end with an exclamation mark?

An imperative sentence gives a command or makes a request. It usually ends with a period but can, under certain circumstances, end with an exclamation point. Examples of this sentence type: “Please sit down.”

What is an example of a statement sentence?

Example of a statement sentence: Summer is my favorite time of year. Another example: When it rains, I have to stay inside. Another example: Spending time indoors can be fun, too; my family has lots of books, games and movies to keep us entertained.

What is an example of statement?

The definition of a statement is something that is said or written, or a document showing the account balance. An example of statement is the thesis of a paper. An example of statement is a credit card bill.

What is the rule of English grammar?

Some of the most basic and important English grammar rules relate directly to sentence structure. These rules specify that: A singular subject needs a singular predicate. A sentence needs to express a complete thought.