Why man he doth bestride the narrow world figurative language?

Why man he doth bestride the narrow world figurative language?

Simile: Why man, he doth bestride the the narrow world / Like a Colossus, and we petty men / Walk under his huge legs and peep about / To find ourselves dishonorable graves. (I, ii, 135-8).

How does Shakespeare use personification metaphor and symbolism to develop tone in the excerpt from Julius Caesar?

Shakespeare used personification, metaphor, and symbolism to develop tone in his story of Julius Caesar by showing the selection “The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Act I.” Judging from the events in Act I, the political mood and behavior of the Romans is best described as discontented and angry.

What is an example of dramatic irony in Julius Caesar?

In Act 2 Scene 2, Caesar’s wife, Calpurnia, has a dream in which Caesar is killed and spouts blood like a fountain. She tells Caesar not to leave the house because her dream could be a bad sign. The audience knows that there is truth to Calpurnia’s dream: a group of conspirators is planning Caesar’s assassination.

What is ironic about Cassius’s death?

why is Cassius’ death ironic? he killed himself because he was upset that Titinius was dead, but it was actually his friends who took him and they were shouting for joy. Also, Cassius is killed with the same sword that killed Caesar.

How is Antony’s speech persuasive?

During Antony’s, he uses emotional appeal twice, loaded words and logical appeal to persuade his audience into his beliefs about the conspirators. The first technique Antony uses in his speech is treating the people as equal. So as you can see, Antony used a more affective method of persuasion then Brutus.

What does Caesar leave in his will?

Caesar bequeathed each Roman citizen in his will 75 drachmas, silver coins, worth quite a bit to poor people such as those in the crowd. Caesar also leaves to the Romans all of his private parks and gardens on this side of the Tiber River to be used by the public.