When Rodriguez writes I stand before you as the impure American an ambiguous American he means?

When Rodriguez writes I stand before you as the impure American an ambiguous American he means?

Rodriguez calls himself an “Impure-American, an Ambiguous American” because his culture is drastically different than of his origins and country. In sees himself of Mexican origin in the United States but, thinks of himself of Chinese culture.

What is the Mexican model that Rodriguez proposes America begin to imagine?

The Mexican model that Rodriguez proposes America should begin to imagine is mixed races. “‘Hispanic’ is . . . a definition of the world according to European patterns of colonization.” He means that immigrants absorb the culture around them.

What does Rodriguez mean by assimilation happens?

When Rodriguez says “ASSIMILATION HAPPENS” in line 144, he means that immigrants absorb the culture around them. Through the anecdote of the girl who identifies herself as “Blaxican. Rodriguez makes the point that young people think beyond traditional concepts of race.

What does assimilation mean?

Assimilation, in anthropology and sociology, the process whereby individuals or groups of differing ethnic heritage are absorbed into the dominant culture of a society. As such, assimilation is the most extreme form of acculturation.

Why does it take American citizens several decades to romanticize the immigrant?

Answer: The romanticism of the immigrants takes several decades because it tends to bring many political and sociocultural issues along. The democrats tend to support the job opportunities immigration creates and the socioeconomic effect in result.

Which of the following best explains why Rodriguez’s statement that he is Chinese is ironic?

Rodriguez statement in lines 162-173 that he is chinese is ironic because they know he isnt chinese and expected something different. The meaninghe is trying to convey is that he’s so used to the chinese culture because helives there and has been there for so long, It feels like home to him. 10.

What is meant by the term ambiguous American paragraph 6 )? What is La Raza Cósmica Paragraph 7 )?

What is la raza cósmica (paragraph 7)? Answer: The term Ambiguous American that Rodriguez referred to himself as means his culture is different than of his origins and country, he is an impure American. La raza cosmica is a essay written by a Mexican philosopher 5.

What words and phrases does Rodriguez use to express tone in lines 55 62?

Answer: He uses the words “multiculturalism”, “notion” “Thinking”, “mexican”, “America” and “mestizaje society”, to express an informative, argumentative and explanatory tone along these lines.

What is meant by the term ambiguous American?

1. Open to more than one interpretation: an ambiguous reply. 2. Doubtful or uncertain: “The theatrical status of her frequently derided but constantly revived plays remained ambiguous” (Frank Rich).

What is the tone of Blaxicans?

The overall tone of “Blaxicans” is an ironic and sarcastic tone. Rodriguez says “There’s something unsettling about immigrants” (pg. 87 line 1). He goes on to say that this is because they “chatter incomprehensibly” (pg.

What is the author’s purpose in the first three paragraphs how does his use of irony?

The purpose of the irony included in the first three paragraph might be to discredit the position stated and may be to exaggerate or highlight the point of view. So the author may say one thing but he means another.

Who is the author of Blaxicans?

Richard Rodriguez

How does the author support his point that comparing?

The author supports his point in saying that comparing blacks and Hispanics is “to construct a fallacious equation”, by saying that, “in Latin America, one sees every race of the world. One sees white Hispanics, one sees black Hispanics, one sees brown Hispanics who are Indians”.

What is Richard Rodriguez known for?

Richard Rodriguez (born July 31, 1944) is an American writer who became famous as the author of Hunger of Memory: The Education of Richard Rodriguez (1982), a narrative about his intellectual development.

Where did Richard Rodriguez grow?


What major counterarguments does Rodriguez address?

One of the major counterarguments Rodriguez addresses is that, “children lose a degree of ‘individuality’ by becoming assimilated” (319). This later helps him explain how in truth, individuality is gained when one is assimilated; a public identity is gained.

What does Rodriguez mean when he says I na way it didn’t matter very much that my parents could not speak English with ease and yet in another way it mattered very much?

What does Rodriguez mean when he says, “[I]n a way, it didn’t matter very much that myparents could not speak English with ease… And yet, in another way, it mattered very much” (para. 15)? This means that Rodriguez was embarrassed by his parent’s inability to speak English, but at the same time he was okay with it.

What is an aria Why do you think Rodriguez?

According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, an aria is a song in an opera sung by one person. Rodriguez probably chose this word for his title to represent how in his classroom filled with English speaking children, he was “singing” his own song, his Spanish language.

What is the speaker’s attitude toward the middle class ethnics who do not want to assimilate?

(A) The speaker’s attitude toward middle-class ethnics show do no not want to assimilate is angry contempt. (A) The style of this passage can best be described as complex and emotional. (A) The style of this passage can best be described as angry and didactic.