What does apache2 reload do?

What does apache2 reload do?

reload : Gracefully restarts the Apache service. On reload, the main Apache process shuts down the child processes, loads the new configuration, and starts new child processes.

What is Apache restart?

Restart Now It re-reads its configuration files, and re-opens any log files. Then it spawns a new set of children and continues serving hits. Users of mod_status will notice that the server statistics are set to zero when a HUP is sent. As with a graceful restart, a syntax check is run before the restart is attempted.

How do I restart Apache gracefully?

Based on apache manual, apachectl -k graceful should be the way to graceful restart apache, but I got notice as below: [root@localhost root]# apachectl -k graceful Passing arguments to httpd using apachectl is no longer supported. You can only start/stop/restart httpd using this script.

How do I reload apache2 server?

Debian/Ubuntu Linux Specific Commands to Start/Stop/Restart Apache

  1. Restart Apache 2 web server, enter: # /etc/init.d/apache2 restart. $ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart.
  2. To stop Apache 2 web server, enter: # /etc/init.d/apache2 stop.
  3. To start Apache 2 web server, enter: # /etc/init.d/apache2 start.

What is the difference between reload and restart?

Reload will tell the service to reload its configuration files, but keep the same process running. Restart tells it to shut down entirely, then restart. Generally speaking, restart will terminate the service in question and restart it; reload will only reload the configuration file.

What is apache2ctl graceful?

graceful-stop. Gracefully stops the Apache httpd daemon. This differs from a normal stop in that currently open connections are not aborted. A side effect is that old log files will not be closed immediately.

What does httpd reload do?

The parent re-reads its configuration files and re-opens its log files. As each child dies off the parent replaces it with a child from the new generation of the configuration, which begins serving new requests immediately.

Is Systemctl restart graceful?

By default, if you systemctl stop a process, systemd sends SIGTERM to the process. That process is responsible for handling the signal and shutting down gracefully.

How long does a graceful reboot take?

The Graceful Server Reboot usually takes about 5 minutes and the Forceful Server Reboot up to 15 minutes to be completed.

Do I need to restart apache after changing conf?

Yes. HTTPD. conf is read on apache start-up, so for any changes to take affect you need to restart it.

What does restarting a service do?

The Restart-Service cmdlet sends a stop message and then a start message to the Windows Service Controller for a specified service. If a service was already stopped, it is started without notifying you of an error.

What does reload command do Cisco?

The reload command halts the system. If the system is set to restart on error, it reboots itself. Use the reload command after configuration information is entered into a file and saved to the startup configuration.

What does reload do in Apache postfix?

Postfix does this, as does Apache. It is very useful if you need to make configuration changes to a live server without incurring even a few seconds of downtime. Reload will tell the service to reload its configuration files, but keep the same process running. Restart tells it to shut down entirely, then restart.

What’s the difference between reload, restart, and restart?

Reload will tell the service to reload its configuration files, but keep the same process running. Restart tells it to shut down entirely, then restart. Generally speaking, restart will terminate the service in question and restart it; reload will only reload the configuration file.

Which is better restartwill or reloadonly?

Generally speaking, restartwill terminate the service in question and restart it; reloadwill only reload the configuration file. Since reloadonly reloads the config, it will cause less disruption to existing activities and currently open connections; users might not even notice that it was run.

Why is it important to restart Apache processes?

This is important if your apache processes aren’t written with the ability to bail out safely. If you are not using a transaction, writing a file, or sending packets, a restart can cause half written/finished data. It’s also very rude to users.